To Ruin Him (John x Reader)

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Grey clouds, gloomy skies, the taste of smoke and ash on your tongue. Calloused hands, chipped fingernails, bloodied knuckles; the promising glint of violence in the molten gold hues of his irises. John is a weapon, jagged, unrefined, but brutally damaging all the same. He is the raging wind, the hurricane that rips the school apart, teeth bared and a fire alight in his eyes. A ruler who would burn his kingdom down and watch it all go to hell.

He piques your interest, aptly you watch him, spellbound by the blood caking his bruised knuckles and that grin that sends shivers down your spine. Want is a foreign concept, and yet here you are craving, desiring after him. The urge to sink your fingers into his skin, poison his veins, and destroy him the same way he rips into his opponent: vicious and without mercy. The smile grows on your lips, the cogs turning.

You crush the cigarette beneath the sole of your feet, he will be yours to love and ruin.


John is ridiculously easy to befriend, you muse, peering at him from the fringes of your hair obscuring your eyes. Catching the light of the afternoon sun in those pretty long lashes, dark hair, lean figure, unconscious bodies and bloodied hands; his loyalty is a dangerous thing and the beast caged within you preens in glee, it is all yours. You welcome him with open arms, a kind smile resting on your lips as you wrap your hands around his waist, pulling him close. He rests his forehead at the crook of your neck, his hands falling limply at his side. Slender fingers tangle with raven coloured locks of hair, giving him the comfort he seeks in the warmth of your embrace.

“Hush,” You say, kissing the crown of his head, “hypocrites like them deserved it.” Small hands cup his cheeks, gently forcing him to look into your eyes. He’ll never see it, the darkness in your gaze, the poison in your honeyed words, not when he is far too enamoured by the light, caught unaware that it’s nothing but flecks of ember of a dying flame.

“They deserved it. You’re not a monster, John.” A stolen kiss, soft lips against your own. “You’ll never be a monster to me, I promise you that nothing, nothing will change that.” He kisses you breathless, the taste of blood on your lips. You smile, arms wrapping around his neck as you pull him into you. And you will never free him.


He runs to you with all the intent of causing harm, you grin, John will always be the storm that will uproot everything, yourself included. You loved that, loved the danger he posed, lavished in it. His punch connects, he straddles your hips, fist raised over his head.

“I trusted you!” He screams, tears rolling down his cheeks. You can taste his grief, his anger, his confusion, his emotions palpable on your tongue. “I thought you cared for me, fuck, I thought we were friends. I thought you loved me.” He grabs you by the collar with one hand, shaking it vigorously.

His fist connects with your face against, the force making you dizzy. Your smile doesn’t falter, instead, you spit blood at his face, laughing lightly.

“Of course not. I mean really, John, who could love someone like you?” You rip him from your person, sending him sprawling on the dusty ground. This is the boy you love, all bruised knuckles caked in blood, cheeks smeared with dirt, and that fiery anger, the promise of violence aglow in those honey gold eyes. It sends shivers down your spine as you drink in the sight of him, he had never looked more beautiful than he did now. He picks himself back up, charging at you with his fists and then—the battle is quickly interrupted, and you turn it to your advantage, you have always been gifted in acting.


John is expelled from school, and after some information gathering along with a little stalking involved, you find out he had moved to another school called Wellston. Clenching your fists tightly, you feel your nails digging crescents into the palm of your hands until they bleed. You don’t intend on letting him go, he is yours to ruin after all.

You’ll ruin him once, ruin him twice, ruin him a hundred times. You’ll do as you see fit, because John is yours, he has been the moment you have set your eyes on him. John is violence, the brewing storm over the horizon, a hurricane in the making that will tear apart everything he will touch, and the ruination, the devastation he brings highlights the poetic beauty of it all.

You watch him from afar again, chin resting on the top of your palm. This façade he is putting on does not suit him, this is not the boy you love wrought in violence. A sneer makes its way on your lips, a promise weighing heavy on your chest. You will ruin that mask of his and bring forth that darkness you know that lurks just beneath his skin, that cruelty he keeps under lock and key in his own fear of himself. You’ll make him learn to accept that.

You smile, the cogs in your head turning as you search for possible chest pieces that you will place on the board that will lead to his ruin once more. Game, set, match. This school will tremble beneath his feet and you will make sure of that.

Because while John is a hurricane, you are the lightning and the thunder, seen only for the briefest flash of moment but the echo of your devastation reverberates. 


Well you see, I needed a dark and manipulative reader x john because i love being evil to characters.

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