will of stars [blysen orv au]

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set before "a star falls in retrograde". established relationships because i'm terrible at writing confessions and pining people. i wrote this before the previous fanfic but decided to publish it second like a dropkick ha—

i think you can see this as fluff?? with a dash of angst, but mostly fluff. i think.


"Kim Dokja is an absolute moron." Isen declares to him a few months back before this ongoing event. They're sitting on his bed, his head resting on Blyke's chest and his phone held to his eye level as he reads the webnovel Blyke recommended him with eagerness. He remembers agreeing and telling him that if it all becomes real ( he wishes he hadn't said it then ), he better not try and pull something so goddamn stupid or else he'd put a sword through him. Of course Isen laughs it off and tells him, "I'm 90% pure self-preservation instinct."

However, after the events of today, Blyke vehemently mutters 'bullshit' underneath his breath as he sharpens the sword he knows does not need sharpening. He needs something to distract him from Isen's sudden streak of self-sacrifice and casual masochism—he was almost mauled by a gigantic mole rat after throwing himself in it's way to give them an advantage. They managed to kill but honestly, Isen is still a moron for doing something blatantly suicidal. The bastard.

Then Blyke starts to think.

Is this world affecting their personalities? Are they playing the roles of the characters in Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint? It would explain why the last of Isen's functioning braincells decided to collectively agree in putting himself in danger. He puts the whetstone down for a moment and ponders because in between trying to survive and clearing scenarios, Blyke has yet sat down with his thoughts and process everything.

If Isen is the self-sacrificing, moronic rat bastard Kim Dokja, then who is playing which character? In Blyke's opinion, Isen better suited the other rat, Han Sooyoung, who is less wrought by trauma, mommy issues, and kindness born out of spite. He gazes at the other people of their party.

Remi, he thinks, suits Jung Heewon. They even have the same sponsor, so it fits. Seraphina can definitely fit the role of Yoo Sangah, however, she lacks the gentle firmness of her character. Still, close enough. Rei, he can see as Lee Hyunsung, albeit Rei is much quicker on the uptake. Now, between Arlo and John, who would be Yoo Jonghyuk? He stares at them for a moment, both keeping each other at a distance to avoid stepping on each other's toes. He decides then, with some tinge of fear and possibly hysteria clouding his thoughts, that the protagonist of that story within a story is the unholy offspring of their  traits sprinkled with trauma from reliving a life of losing everything again and again.

Arlo with his indifference and cold judgements that allows him to keep his head straight on his shoulders and prioritise on his goal; and John with his streak of violence and brutality and sheer power that would crush their enemies. Seperately, they project an aura of authority and power, together, it's a monstrous display of intimidation and silent threats of potential murder. The constellations, specifically a certain constellation, adores their combination and she is perhaps the biggest source of income they have. However, that won't do anything considering the fact that Arlo is more repulsed by John's existence and that if he could, he would stay as far as he could from him. John, of course, feels the same. Not to mention, they both have their eyes set on someone else.

Blyke pulls away from his thoughts when someone taps his forehead lightly. His gaze travels up to the partially mummified existence of Isen who sheepishly smiles down at him.

"I'm pissed at you." He immediately says, glaring at him. "I thought we agreed that you won't do something unnecessarily stupid, but you went ahead and threw yourself in danger!" Blyke's anger rises from the pits of his stomach filled with dread and burns every pore of his body with heat. He wants to smack him hard on the head but takes mercy because his body has yet recovered from, well, being turned into a chew toy.

"I know, I'm sorry, I thought it was for the best I—"

Blyke holds his hand up to shut him up before he starts spewing more bullshit out of his mouth that his ass would be jealous of it.

"You thought it was for the best?" His voice is so deceptively calm and even that it makes Isen flinch and laugh nervously as he turns his gaze away. "You could have died. It'd be game over for you and it would be game over for all of us. You know the conditions needed for us to get out of this hellhole."

Isen's skin flushes red beneath the bandages. Of course he knew. If anyone dies before they reach the ending, they will be stuck here forever and be the playthings of nigh untouchable beings peering down on them like dolls in a dollhouse.

"I know. I'm sorry." This time Blyke sighs and puts his sword away, he'd threaten to castrate him if he does it again but he supposes he has inflicted enough damage for now and lets it slide.

"How are you feeling?" He asks instead, assessing Isen's condition. They had camped in the same spot for nearly two days after the event was over, finding it too dangerous to move Isen's still recovering and wounded body.

"Like shit, obviously. I got mauled." As if to emphasise his point, he gestures at his bandage-riddled upper body.

"You wouldn't be feeling it if you didn't jump in front of it." Blyke jabs lightly as he scoots over and makes room for Isen. "Can you sit down?"

"Nope, not that low. It hurts like a bitch to bend down." Blyke nods and instead guides Isen away towards a decently sized broken down wall free of steel barbs and sharp edges and gingerly assists him to sit down.

They stay like that for a bit, quiet and still, their heads leaning against each other and their hands intertwined. The stars glimmer beyond them, so clear in their beauty now that the tall buildings and skyscrapers no longer obstructed them from view. Blyke plants a kiss on the crown of Isen's head, burying his nose in his hair and inhaling his scent. He's here. He's okay. And Blyke will never let that happen again, not if he can help it.

[ Constellation Demon-like Judge of Fire is delighted by the display of companionship! ]

[1000 coins has been sponsored!]

Blyke chuckles as the image pops up in front of him, this is definitely like the constellation he has read about. While he smiles, he feels a dredge of fear crawling in his veins. Everything feels unreal and yet here they are, pursuing the end of this horror plaguing them. Blyke hopes it will not end with a sacrifice, otherwise he will have no choice.

Blyke looks at his character window again, a grim look hidden by the darkness of the night.

Name: Blyke •••••••••
Stigma: Regressor <lv. •>

He will have no choice but to relive it again and again. Blyke kisses Isen's forehead this time and breathes, he inhales slowly then exhales and looks up to the starry skies. He hopes this will be his only turn. 

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