love & carnage (Reader x John)

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"You." John’s eyes flashed dangerously, voice dropping an octave as his shoulders hunch, an animalistic sense of anger dripping from the tone as he spoke. Shivers race down your spine as you turn to face him, a faux smile on your lips. You feel his anger rolling down like waves against the shore, you try not to smile more eagerly than you should. 

“Me?” You taste it in your tongue; his anger, his anticipation, his dread. You swallow it all, drinking it down like wine. 

“What the fuck are you doing here?” He all but snarls as he snaps forward, roughly grabbing you by the throat and slamming your back harshly against the wall. A wheeze of breath escapes your lips, winded by the force of impact. The smile does not waver, and John’s eyes gleam gold beneath the shadows of his dark hair. 

“Never change, John. Never change.” You cooed, laughing despite the pressure of his hold around your throat tightening. It comes out as a strangled wheeze of breath. “You’re still my beloved monster after all.” You rasp, baring your teeth with a grin. 

“I’m not a monster, you sick bitch.” He leans closer, noses touching, his grip tightening and you can barely breathe as he sinks his nails into your skin so harshly, droplets of blood breaks through the crescent marks on your neck. You’re sure you’d have a ring of bruises around your throat, not that you care of course, the thought of it makes your blood sing and crave for more. 

“Anything to help you sleep at night, darling.” You purred, closing the distance between you both and capturing his lips with yours. John reels back, disgust written all over his face as he wipes your lipstick off with the back of his hand. With his hand off your neck, you gasp for breath, gulping in air greedily as you slump against the wall, laughter bubbling in the back of your throat. 

You watch him through the curtains of your hair, a smile playing on your lips before you straighten your back and face him once more. Puberty has been kind to him from the chiselled shape of his jaw to the outlines of his muscles visible through his shirt. John has always been attractive, but physical attraction is not what draws your to him, no, it was always something more carnal. Something more intimate and spiritual that no rhyme nor reason could explain it. Like a moth to the flame, he draws you to him then burns you right up, and being you, you relish in that agony, that pain. Just as you are bred for violence, John is forged from the fires of it. 

“You’re insane.” John spits, venom on his tongue. You smile again, always smiling, never ending. 

“I can help you, you know? Make sure no one touches your precious Seraphina…” You purr, stalking closer to him. “I can make sure she’ll never know what kind of monster you are and all you have to do is kiss me~” 

John stiffens as you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing your chest against him. This time, it is you who pins him against the wall, lips grazing against his jaw. “Arlo is making his move, John. I can make sure none of them touches her. You can keep to the shadows, bring this school to heel, and Seraphina would be none the wiser.” 

“And if I don’t agree?” You pout, standing on the tip of your toes, your lips brush against the shell of his ear as your whisper. 

“Then you can forget about her.” 


You grip Arlo’s hand tightly, lips curled in an amused smile. It doesn’t take a genius to know what the shared look between the two of you mean. Stand down. The blond grits his teeth, flicking your hand off his wrist with a snarl. 

Traitor.” He hisses, blue eyes gleaming. If you were anyone lesser, you would have trembled beneath the sheer spite in his tone, trembled at the promise of pain in those pretty blue eyes; but you have seen John in his flurry of rage and fist and blood, you’ve seen violence, basked in the pain of others and yourself, Arlo has nothing on that. 

Seraphina watches, perplexed by the exchange, Arlo heels to no one but the hierarchy itself and to see him back down with one significant look and a quiet exchange of words, she could only wonder what the hell it was about. She continues to observe as Arlo turns away and leaves, shoulders tensed and jaw clenched. When she asks, you do not answer, merely smiling innocently. She does not ask again.


“I hate you.” John says between kisses, his lips rough but pleasantly warm against yours. He has your back pressed against the wall, hands clawing at your neck, leaving pinpricks of blood in their wake. 

“I know. And because of that, you’ll never forget me.” He bites your lip and you can taste the coppery thick blood on your tongue, you smile, treading your fingers through his midnight hair. You lose yourself to his kiss. 

It’s not love, both of you know it. That is an indisputable fact just as how the sky is blue and the grass is green. John is your obsession, your toy, your puppet. He holds a special place in your heart, just like you would in his. You are his bane, his nightmare, his downfall. You have carved yourself a place in his mind and soul, a place no one will ever be able to take. A place so riddled with your lies, your manipulations, your treachery that no one will ever take it from you and you couldn’t be more proud of yourself. 

John is yours the moment you saw him with his fists caked with blood and bodies strewn around him. He is yours to ruin and yours to take, and if anyone tries to outdo your damage, you return with a vengeance of a hurricane, uprooting everything in your path. It is not love, but it is yours anyway and you will keep what is yours by any means necessary. 



So this is a follow up to the "To Ruin Him" oneshot but set during the joker arc. The reader is still a twisted mf bc reason. I hope you enjoyed it!

Comments and feedback are always appreciated!

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