bullet wound [darren x reader]

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It takes you an absurdly long time to notice that Darren’s eyes are a pretty shade of amber, an unfairly pretty shade of amber with flecks of dark blue dotting the ring around his pupils. You stare deep into his eyes, cupping his face into the palm of your hands, thumbs brushing over the prickly fuzz of his shaven beard.

“You have really pretty eyes.” You tell him, a dopey smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you continue to stare, lost in the wonders of its beauty. Darren inhales sharply, pushing you down on the bed firmly.

“It’s the blood loss and anesthesia talking.” He replies, his hand resting on your forehead, pushing back the strands of hair sticking to your face. “Stay put, I need to get that bullet out of your arm.”

Still you smile, laughing as you latch on to his hand, lifting it up from its position and tangling your fingers together. Gingerly, you lower his hand to your lips, pressing them against the bruises of his knuckles. Darren snorts, rolling his eyes as he carefully detaches his hand from yours and stepping out of your reach to retrieve his medical supplies. You whine, lamenting the loss of his warmth against your hand.

“Nooo, Darren, don’t leave me! What if I die? Darrennn.” You can hear him shuffle around, however, lifting your head, even just by a few inches has proven to be a difficult task so you keep your head against the pillow, pouting like a petulant child deprived of their favourite toy.

“Suck it up, you’re an adult and that bullet wound won’t kill you, just stay down!”

When he comes back into your line of sight, you cannot help but beam at him brightly despite your current condition. Darren sighs, kissing your forehead as he settles down on the stool by your bedside, “You’re lucky the bullet didn’t puncture through your bone, be careful when you do your job next time.” He lectures as he proceeds to remove the bullet from the wound with a pair of tweezers and drops it down in the metal basin resting next to him. With practiced grace, he gingerly cleans the wound before stitching it shut and wrapping a tourniquet over the wound.

When he finishes, he gathers his tools into the metal tray before he removes his latex gloves and drops them into the metal basin. Darren carries them to the sink and leaves them there to be taken care of later and returns to your side, intertwining his fingers with yours. He kisses the back of your wrist and trails his lips along the back of your palm to your knuckles, leaving butterfly kisses on each.

“Sleep.” He tells you, his free hand reaching for the loose strands of hair and tucking them behind your ear with a small smile.

“Okay…” Your eyes flutter close but you cling to his hand, never once letting go.


A few hours later and you find him asleep next to you, his head resting on top of his left forearm while his right hand rests on top of yours. Carefully, you push yourself up, grimacing as pain lances through your still injured shoulder. The room is pristine and clean of blood, the strong smell of disinfectant lingering behind. Glancing down at your sleeping lover, you gently slide your hand out of his hold and instead you thread it through his messy locks of dark blue hair, a fond smile on your lips. Darren stirs, slowly, he lifts his head up. Blinking away the last dredges of sleep from his eyes, he meets your gaze and immediately springs to his feet.

“How are you feeling?” He asks and you cannot help but laugh as you reach out for his face, cupping it in your palm, smiling as he leans in to your touch and keeps it there with his own hand.

“Much better now that you did your magic.” You replied, chuckling as he rolled his eyes at your response. “Thank you.”

“If you really wanted to thank me, then maybe you can start by making me worry less. This is the third time this week.” He makes sure to emphasise the last few words with a glare which eventually softens as he gazes at you. “You’re a bloody troublemaker. I’d like to see you less in my clinic and more on actual dates.” He adds, shaking his head.

“I’ll stay out of trouble next time, I promise.” Your hand drops to grab him by his jacket. Forcefully, you pull him close, grinning at him as he stumbles on his feet and barely catches himself with his hands pressing against the edge of the bed. He glares at you briefly before he leans in, capturing your lips with his.

“Good.” He says, in between kisses. Climbing on the bed, Darren gingerly pins you down as he kisses you breathless. Chuckling as a strangled squeak leaves your throat as you attempt to push him off.


so, there's no content for doc darren or any of the adults and someone from amino kindly donated coins for this. 😂

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