Devilish (Joremi)

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"Stop me." He demands, pressing her back against the damp wall. Hidden by the shadows of night, forms wedged between the gap of two old buildings that shields them from the bright city lights and slivers of moonlight. John's breath are warm against her cheek, golden honey eyes alight amidst the veil of darkness. His left hand pins both of Remi's slender wrists above her head, grip firm and tight.

Remi merely glares, lips pressed to a thin line as he glares at him. He is all finely cut edges, sharp jaw and raw emotion, a handsome face hidden by his mask. His lips are warm against the cool skin of her face as they trail their way to her own, stopping short at the corner of her lips.

"Tell me you hate me." He pulls back, even in the scant drizzle of moonlight barely chasing away the shadows, Remi is beautiful. Pink tresses tied back into a high ponytail, her slender but fit form clearly outlined by her hero outfit. Her mask had come undone from their earlier scuffle, what's left of it lies haphazardly on the wet concrete floor and drowned in murky rain puddles. "Say it."

Remi has been many things. A hero, a lover, a friend, but a liar has never been one of them. She meets his gaze, defiant and firm. "I would never lie to you or myself, John."

He sneers, teeth bared, his hold tighting and Remi was sure she'd have bruises by the time they're done here. John is acutely aware of how close their bodies are, acutely aware of the warmth of her skin seeping through the cloth. He refuses to acknowledge the content purring in the back of his mind, the more animalistic part of him begging to be release, begging to claim what is his for the taking. But Remi isn't his anymore, he left, left her to pick up the pieces of herself while he stood in the shadows, always watching but always out of sight. A path forged in the shadow, bathed in blood and greed, a path Remi could never take and so he left, and yet here they are. Whereas he walked in the shadows and slunk in the alleyways, Remi treads the limelight, solving and fighting crime. A goddamn hero.

"You shouldn't have come here. Don't you have a reputation to uphold, X-Rei?" He leans in, their noses almost touching. "Being seen in the underbelly with a well-known villain, are you trying —! "

Remi pushes herself forward, her mouth colliding with his, effectively silencing him as their lips move in sync. It was warm, familiar. Something they have done again and again. Her body remembers the warmth of his chapped lips, the taste of passion on his tongue as he kisses greedily. Her body never forgets. Breathless, she pulls away, chest heaving from the exhilaration of something warm and familiar and all hers.

"You ruined me when you left, and I'll ruin myself all over again just to have you back." His grip on her wrists slacks and Remi uses the opportunity to slip one hand out of his hold. She cups his cheek, fingers tracing the outline of his jaw. "You're worth it."

John laughs and smiles, far too sharply with far too many teeth as he slaps her hand away. Sweet, naive Remi. Worth saving, she says. She'll ruin herself for love, she says. Typical. "You're so goddamn naive. I've killed hundreds of people, indirectly and directly, and you still find something worth saving?" His body hums with power, like a coiled snake waiting to strike.

"Let me remind you,"He pauses, the smile stretching into a grin as he moved, too fast for her to react. His hands wrap themselves around her neck and squeezes. "I'm no longer the man that you once knew." Under the gleam of moonlight, his eyes glows.

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