cinnamon & mint [reilo]

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If anyone asks, it's all Rei's fault.

Arlo leans against the plush couch, wishing he could will his body to merge with it's comfortable existence as he falls into the arms of sleep. Last night had been something, he certainly did not intend to lose control of himself but Rei simply had that effect on him. Between cans of red bull and the very empty bottle of vodka left forgotten in the corner of the living room, he's certain they had a little bit more than the mess left on the floor to be cleaned once his head stops aching.

"Rough night?" Rei is impeccably smug, if it isn't for the headache attempting to drill a hole through his skull he would have trapped him in a barrier and shrink it right down.

"Shut up." Was Arlo's response, unwilling to put more effort than it's worth. Laughter resonates in the room as Rei settles next to him, pressing a cool glass of water into his hand.

"I have something to help with the headache. You drank too fast." Rei chastises, shaking his head as he watches the blond slowly lift his head. He watches as Arlo pops both pills into his mouth and gulp down the water in an effortless grace that makes him wonder how he could pull something so off-putting and make it seem attractive. He takes the glass from his hand and settles it on the coffee table then adjusts his position so he was now sitting at the end of the couch with his back pressed against the armrest. "Come here."

Arlo huffs but complies and crawls into his arms, his head resting comfortably on Rei's chest. He listens to his steady heartbeat, to his steady breath and smiles, years ago he would have never thought of seeing himself in such position. He would have dismissed it as some sort of a ridiculous joke designed to test his temper and yet here he is, cradled in Rei's arms. Arlo peers at him through the curtains of his lashes, he looks even more angelic when he basks under the warm sunlight, green hair bright like lush pine trees.

"I'll wake you up for lunch." Rei promises as he presses a kiss on the top of his head. "I'll get your favourites, since I did egg you on with that vodka." He adds, grinning.

"Yeah, you did. You owe me dinner too." Arlo responds, not missing a beat.

"Of course." Rei threads his fingers through Arlo's hair, marveling at how soft it is to the touch. He buries his nose in the softness of his blond curls, a familiar scent hitting his nose. "Were you using my shampoo?" Arlo smells strongly of cinnamon and mint, Rei has no complaints, it's soothing.

"Yeah, and you need to buy some more, you're running out."


He lets Arlo fall asleep in his arms, a smile gracing his face as he caresses the blond's cheek gently, thumb brushing over the corner of his mouth. Years ago, this was nothing but a thought, a fantasy, but now here they are— fingers intertwined, Arlo's head resting on his chest— a wishful longing turning into a reality. After years of quietly pining for his affections, they're finally here.

"I love you." He whispers, holding him a little tighter, Rei will never let him go.


Domestic fluff and established relationships are my jam, like 👏🥺.

y current list of to be written:
blyke x reader [angst/comfort]
arlo x reader [fluff]
blysen [fluff]
the sequel to "just friends" isen x reader [angst]
jeraphina [currently writing a pretty dark one, except john doesn't murder sera lmao]

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