Losing Sight [Hetaoni AU]

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'No!' His mind cries, fingers finding purchase on Arlo's shoulder and yanks the blond back. He has seen this before, Rei can't lose him.

Not again.

Arlo stumbles behind him, eyes wide as he watches the monster's claws sinks into Rei's shoulder, breaking through bone and muscle. Blood gushes from the wound, bathing Arlo in crimson flecks of blood.His entire body screams for him to move, to do something, he obeys the command. 

In a familiar motion, Arlo puts his hands together. Beneath him, the ground glows in radiant light, intricate lines appear beneath, spreading out before stopping a few feet away from him. The lines splits into two, one circling in a clockwise direction while the other goes counterclockwise before they once again converge to a single point, towards him. Energy thrums beneath his skin, electric against his muscle and bones. It coils and coils then, and then—

A body slams into him, knocking them both to the ground. Warm blood seeps into his clothes, Arlo, out of instinct, wraps his arms around broad shoulders, cushioning the blow as they land harshly on the marbled floor. 

"No!" Rei's voice rings clear in the enclosed space of the library. "Ar-Arlo don't!" He stutters as he stumbles, panic clear in his tone as he speaks. 

"You idiot! This is the only way—" 

"I can't." Rei squirms in his arms, struggling to sit up. Everything hurts. But losing Arlo again, it'd hurt more than the pulsing, sharp pain from the tiny holes the monster's claw left in its wake. "I can't lose you." He begs in one rushed breath of air, pleas in desperation. 

"Shut up. Shut up, if I don't do anything we'll both die, goddammit! You can't—" 

"Then we'll die together! I can't—" A sob escapes his lips, "I can't be the only one the lives this time so please, please—" 

"Arlo! Rei!" Blyke’s yells diverts the monster's attention away from them. A beam of light pierces the monster's side. It shrieks in pain, the sound like nails scrapping on chalkboard. Another beam and the monster slams its arms on the ground, shrieking and thrashing wildly.

On all fours, it charges at Blyke wildly. Its large, ill-proportioned head swinging side to side with enough force to topple the bookcase filled with books. Arlo barely manages to hoist Rei on his feet and drag him out of harm's way when the the fallen bookshelf triggers a domino effect. Arlo leaves Rei to the side, leaving his back to rest against one of the beams supporting the ceiling. 

"Arlo please—" 

"No, Blyke needs my help." He stops, glancing back at Rei and offers him one of his rare smiles. "We'll get out of here alive." 

Rei watches in horror as Arlo jumps in the fray, the magic thrumming beneath his skin, singing in his bones. Spears made out of radiant light lances through the air and embed themselves through the monster's body. It shrieks once more and lunges out of the door, tearing its way to the hallway. 

Blyke collapses on the floor, sagging in relief. Arlo releases the breath he was holding, resting both hands on his knees, a wave of dizziness washing over him. He blinks away the light spots dancing in his eyes, he can't falter now. 

"Let's go Blyke. We need to get out of here before that thing comes back." The redhead nods. 

"You carry Rei and I'll watch your backs." He replies, not missing a beat. Arlo doesn't argue, merely nods. 

Their brisk pace back to the safety provided by the reinforced attic was quiet and undisturbed. The trio remained vigilant, and only when they entered the metal door did they breath an air of relief. Upon their entrance, Remi and Elaine immediately flocks them. Elaine, with the help of Remi, lugs Rei to one of the beds and gently sits him down. Blyke immediately parts from his side, finding a place by the foot of Isen's bed, his hand resting on top of Isen's knee. Ever since yesterday, the amber-haired male hasn't woken at all and they were beginning to fear for the worst. 

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