why we can't have nice things [crackfic]

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Living with the headmaster is weird.

Blyke woke up one day to find himself in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar room, his first thoughts? What the fuck. He must be hallucinating, he blames it all on John. After the physical beatdown he had been subjected to, Blyke would not be surprised if he is in a coma and living a lifetime within a dream because apparently that’s a thing that could happen, he had listened enough to Isen rant about it every time they walked to school together. So Blyke decides ‘to hell with it’ and rolls out of bed followed by the meaty but dull thump of his body hitting the carpeted floor, he groans and picks himself up.

He makes his way out of his room to the kitchenette, only to do a double take. Isen was calmly chatting with the headmaster who was sitting at the table, wearing only a pair of sweatpants and eating cereal with a fork, not that Isen was doing any better. His best friend was eating cereal drowned in black coffee in a mug, if this was Arlo, he would have shrugged it off, he is completely sure that Arlo eats coffee beans for breakfast so it wouldn’t be a strange sight; Isen on the other hand, Blyke didn’t know what to make of it.

“Good morning, Blyke.” The headmaster smiled at him, nodding his head in acknowledgement. He tries to smile at the man but completely fails it so to avoid more awkward attempts of greeting Vaughn, he hurries to the pantry, grabs himself a bowl and pour cereal in it. He then grabs the cartoon of milk and a spoon from the drawer, takes his seat besides Isen, and avoids eye contact with the headmaster.

He proceeds to pour milk on the cereal and tries to ignore the eyes on him.

“So,” Blyke begs the gods to tape the headmaster’s mouth because if he was going to draw Blyke in small talk, he might have to do something drastic. Like shove one spoonful of cereal after another in his mouth. “How was your sleep? Isen and I had to tuck you in last night, you were out like a lamp which is very unusual considering you and Isen stay up late with your activities.”

Blyke promptly chokes on his food. They tucked him in? Late night activities with Isen? What in the ninth circle of hell is happening?

“You good there bro? Usually you’re good with swallowing.” Isen quips from beside him, patting his back almost sympathetically.

Blyke was sure he is about to have an aneurysm because of the statement. He isn’t sure if there is any other alternative and appropriate response after it. He considered drinking milk from the cartoon and mix it with coffee liqueur, with Vaughn staying with them, he's sure he can get his hands on alcohol.


He needs to bleach his eyes, who the hell takes a shower and doesn’t lock the door? The headmaster does, apparently. Blyke freezes like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide as he stares at their bare chested headmaster standing in front of the mirror, the towel generously covering his lower torso. Vaughn, in the middle of his hair care routine, glances at him over his shoulder, eyebrows raised as if waiting for an explanation.

Blyke doesn’t have one, but he does need an explanation for something. He stares at the dripping wet eyeglasses, precipitation rolling down the lenses.

“Did you take a shower with your eyeglasses on?” He asks immediately, staring dumbly at Vaughn. After a beat of silence, the headmaster slowly takes off his glasses, putting it down on the bench and out of Blyke’s line of sight as if he would just forget about it.

“I’m no heathen.” Vaughn answers, slowly, Blyke closes the door as he takes a few steps back.

“Right… I’ll leave you to whatever you were doing.” Then a moment of consideration, he adds. “sir.”

Blyke heads back to his bedroom, locking the door behind him as he says. “I’ve seen enough in one day.”

The readers most likely agrees. 


Based on a weird ass dream I had. I just added some bits and pieces.

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