Coffee (Rei X Reader)

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"Enjoy your coffee!" A smile adorns your lips as you gently placed the ceramic cup in front of him with a soft 'clink' against the mahogany table.

Your heart melts at the way the corner of his lips quirks upwards, his smile reflected in the way his eyes twinkle under the early morning sun. A flutter in your stomach, heat rising from your neck to your cheeks, dusting them with a soft, pale blush. A pair of hands clasps your own and you freeze, gaze meeting with his as he tugs you forward.

"Stay." He says, thumb brushing over the first knuckles of your fingers, a gentle touch and yet the edge in his voice makes you freeze. Rei presses his thumb against the back of your palm, warm, is what crosses your mind, his heat pulsing against your skin.

" I can't. " The words stumble from your lips, attempting to pull away only for him to tighten his hold, golden eyes solely focused on you. Your chest tightens, throat dry as the warmth in those eyes dull into something more predatory, ferocious. You swallow your fear and attempt to pull back once more, stomach constricting in panicked haze. "I have work and Remi—"

"I know who you are." He cuts you off before you could finish, his tone sharp and his hold firm. "She knows too, so let's talk." His left hand keeps its firm grasp on your left hand while he gestures to the seat opposite him with his right. It wasn't a request, it dawns to you quickly and so you nod, lips pressed to a grim line.

"You've been giving me a love potion." His blunt words makes you flinch, even if it was the most minuscule jerk your arm, body drawn up to your full height as you straighten in your seat. You don't answer him, but he takes your reaction as confirmation. He props his right elbow on the table, chin resting against hid balled fist. You watch, eyes moving away from his temple to lips pressed against his knuckle.

"I watched and waited." He admits, his voice mellows to something more soft, forgiving. "I wanted to see if you were going to pull anything and..."

His left hand loosens its grip on you, his fingertips trailing lightly on the surface of your skin, but you didn't dare move your eyes away from his face as you lock gaze with him. The dullness fades, and he slumps in his chair. You hold your breath, insides twisting as anticipation creeps in.

"You did nothing." You cross your arms over your chest, biting your bottom lip, your turn away. A month. You worked with Rei's, X-static's, little sister's café and did nothing but give him the coffee laced with the chemical concoction similar to a love potion. Your fingers dig crescent marks into the skin of your forearms as you refuse to meet his gaze, those golden eyes searching for answers you only wish you could tell him. "Why?"

You do not answer his question, instead, you gaze outside the window, latching onto the shapes of the building, the bustling crowd, and the slowl moving cars. You remember snippets of conversations exchange between both of you, little smiles and featherweight touches. You remember sunsets spent next to each other, shoulders almost touching as you talk and laughed over the silly, silly things. It makes you wonder how much of it was just him playing his part.

He knows.

Your mind tells you. Instincts beg you to move and run as fast as you can; but you ignore it.

"All our time spent," Your voice wavers but you push forward, your gaze remaining averted. "was all of it just for show?" You asked, swallowing the bitterness at the tip of your tongue as you watched. Watched as sunlight kisses the rooftops of buildings and bathe the city with warmth. You can't bear the sight of him, not when you're preparing yourself for —

"No." Your whipped your head towards his direction, the speed giving you a slight whiplash, and meet his gaze, searching for any hints of untruth. "I'll admit that I did have my guard around you, and sometimes I wondered if it was the potion talking, but no. I..." He pauses in his speech, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I enjoyed our time together." You release the breath you didn't even know you were holding as you slump into your chair, face buried in the palm of your hands. Your cheeks feels unbearably warm.

"I wanted you to like me." You answered, voice muffled. "I wanted to be close to you. Even if I could only be a friend."

Rei's hand finds yours and he holds it firmly in his, going as far as giving it a squeeze. Your meet his eyes again, a small, pathetic excuse of a smile on your lips.

"I admired you in the shadows." You say, glancing over to the window and seemingly lost in thought of days long ago. "A villain's child fraternizing with the hero is unheard of and I didn't want to hurt your reputation... I thought this was the best solution." You whispered.

Rei squeezes your hand once again, a twinkle in his golden eyes as his other hand reaches out and holds your other hand. There's a slight blush on his cheeks, and his voice is but a breathless whisper.

" You admired me? " He asks, and you jolt in your seat, nodding your head vigorously.

"You're always so gentle and kind. People adored you, and I!" Your enthusiasm diffuses intoba quiet whisper, "and I wanted to be like you." You rest your forehead on top of your intertwined fingers, lips pursed together.

"But I am my father's child, and I love my dad and he loves me too, but he wants me to follow in his footsteps. It was never my choice."

Rei remained silent for a moment.

"Life is full of difficult choices." He starts, thumbs rubbing circles in the back of your palms, "You never avoid risk, that's why when you choose, you pick the choice that you'll be happy with accepting the risks and facing the consequences.

"If you choose to follow your father's footsteps, would you be happy? Will you be able to live with that?" He asks.

"No. I'd never be happy." There's hesitation in your admittance, but it's the truth. You could never follow your father's footsteeps.

"Then I'll be with you in every step of the way if you become a hero." Rei's voice is resolute, confident. His eyes are steel, and his hold is gentle but firm, and he smiles. "I'll be there for you."

You abruptly push yourself on your feet and walked to his side, embracing him as you bury your face in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you."

Rei returns the embrace and tilts his head slightly, planting a kiss on the crown of your head. "I'm a hero, remember? It's my duty to save those in need."

"I'm kind of scared that it might be the potion talking." You admit. He scoffs and you picture him rolling his eyes at you, you couldn't help but chuckle.

"I've stopped drinking it after the first time you gave it to me."

You pull away, blinking as you stare at him in confusion and surprise. "But your cup is always empty."

Rei smirks and cups your cheek, pulling you in as he plants kiss on the corner of your mouth.

"There's a reason I always go to the toilet."

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