Chapter One

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First Contact

I swayed happily to the club music that blared in my ears. The only sound I had longed to hear all day. This club was my favorite spot to be..I could hide in the crowds. No one recognized me, and nobody cared. I was just another hot girl to buy drinks for. I never had to bring a wallet, hehe.

I even left my phone at home..this was the best option just in case father had put a tracking signal on it. I was disconnected from the world and free to be myself.

I felt my black curls swaying down my back, mouthing the words to a song with a drink in my hand and my cares gone.

A tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality and I opened my eyes. Victoria my best friend stood before me, her hands thrown in the air.

"Daya, Weren't you supposed to meet your new guard today?" She didn't have to yell, luckily. With my vampire hearing I could hear her crystal clear despite the loud music. I shrugged and shut my eyes, continuing to dance. I didn't care about what simpleton waited for me at home.

"It's 2am!" She shouted now in disbelief, eyes wide as she looked at her phone. I sighed and pouted. I didn't want to leave..but this was a close call. It was an hour drive back home. This would at least give me time to sober up. Plus side to being a vampire: we sober up quick.

I had seen humans get sick over drinking so many times, the poor things. Not me though, I had never felt a hangover before. 

Vic grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd to our awaiting Uber. I focused on her short blonde hair, steadying my steps.

I sighed when we got in the car, dread filling me.

"I'm sure he's asleep by now,  I missed the meeting. Poor sucker probably gave up and has been doing nothing." I mumbled to myself and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Wanna bet on how long this one lasts?" She wiggled her eyebrows and I giggled, nodding quickly. We always had a bet going. None of them had made it to the sireing ceremony.

I didn't want any of them to.

That ceremony linked them to me, they would be bound by our blood to follow my every command, they mentally and physically wouldn't be able to interject. The entire point of these guards wasn't just for safety, but becoming sired directly to me rather than the kingdom as a whole, they'd become my right hand once I became queen.

I shuddered at the thought. Me..a queen.

I shook my head to myself and shut my eyes, drifting to sleep a little before we arrived.

We made it to the shops on the outskirts of the castle. I always walked from here, waiting for the driver to leave so they wouldn't see me enter.  I waved goodbye to Victoria and stared at the castle walls sadly.

By day I did my duties as Princess..nighttime was my time. 

I crept quietly over the wall, sneaking my way to my side of the enormous building. Did I leave my light on!? I wanted everyone to think I was asleep... I couldn't sense anyone inside my room though. I narrowed my eyes and took in a deep breath before scaling the side of the building, using window panes as leverage to leap upwards. I always dreamed that this might be what rock climbing is like. I planned to do that someday.

I grabbed my window sill, staring in shock. My stomach sank. My window was open. I always left it cracked..but it was fully open. I listened hard and tried to sense anyone but still felt nothing. I shrugged it off and quickly jumped inside, shutting the window quietly.

Please let me be undetected.

I froze, something catching the corner of my eye.

"Who the hell are you!?" I shrieked and then slapped my hand over my mouth.

There was a MAN IN MY ROOM!!!!

He didn't even look up, much less notice me standing here. I felt paralyzed with fear. Was he here to kidnap me!? Kill me!? Use me for ransom or as leverage for a neighboring kingdom!?

"You have 5 seconds to leave my room before I rip your head off!" I hissed at him, he was staring down at something in his hands. Something of mine.

My eyes flicked to the emergency button that was positioned on the wall next to my bed. If I hit that, it would alert every castle guard and my father. I had only ever used it once.

"5 seconds? That's a bit generous." I jumped when he spoke finally, his voice was calm.

"Your time is up!" I yelled and darted towards him, swinging my fist.

He caught it without even looking at me.

"That was a good move" he mumbled, releasing my fist. I started to back up, towards the button.

"I'm warning you, you better leave!" I growled at him and he sighed, looking over at me. His eyes hit mine and I felt weird. I felt safe, almost? Yet this was an intruder!

I stopped in my tracks and got a good look at him. My eyes caught the glint of the castles house symbol on his shirt. A worker? I had never seen him before. He ran a hand through his short black hair. I could try fighting him again, though he was at least a foot or two taller than me. He was built too. Damn, he was actually extremely attractive. Wait, this is a weirdo in my room going through my stuff! He's not hot!

"You could push the button." He spoke calmly, his tone was flat.

My eyes narrowed. Was he challenging me? What kind of freak..

"You're only going to send the alert to me as well." He continued talking and set my things down on my bed, sticking his hands in his pockets.

His demeanor suddenly changed and he looked surprised, slapping a hand to his forehead.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot to introduce myself!" He shook his head, smirking.

"I'm your new guard! You might've known that had you come to the meeting! Silly me." He spoke sarcastically and my mouth dropped open.

"You are not my new guard" I muttered in disbelief and he nodded, pulling his badge out of his pocket and tossing it to me.

I stared at it in shock. Yep. This was the new guard.

I threw it back at him angrily and he caught it with one hand.

"So you thought it would be fine to just come into my room and go through my things!?" I hissed at him and he shrugged, walking over to my bookshelf and looking over the worn down spines.

"Well I was going to ask for your permission at the meeting, rather than going through some dumb get to know you questionnaire. Since you didn't show, I assumed that was your way of saying yes." He spoke casually and I glared fiercely, appearing at his side and grabbing his wrist as he reached for a book.

"No. It's a no. Get out of here!" I yelled at him and his eyes flicked to my hand on his wrist. I dropped it and crossed my arms.

"It's 3am! You can't be serious right now!" I started rambling and pacing, I couldn't wrap my head around this guy. The nerve.

He hummed quietly to himself, turning on one heel he stepped in front of me.

I was fuming now, and I hoped that it was making him uncomfortable. You don't just go into someone's room and go through their things!!

He cocked his head to the side, studying me. I threw my hands up, raising an eyebrow.

"What? I told you to leave!" I snapped angrily and he smiled a little.

He folded his hands behind his back, and to my surprise, he bowed his head to me.

"As you wish, princess." He spoke gently before turning again and leaving my room without another word.

I stood in silence now, dumbfounded.

What the hell did my father do.

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