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"You're mine." The King snarled. "And I don't take well to people who try to steal what's mine."


Renee Azalea is a hybrid. Her father was a warrior in her pack and her mother was a witch.

She has always been an outcast, to different supernatural creatures Renee simply doesn't belong.

After her parents die protecting her, Renee promises to never be that weak again. Her father was the Alpha's twin brother and her mother was the Witch Queen's daughter.

Renee is powerful, but due to her position in the werewolf's society, she is forced to hide the power she possesses.

She is stronger than her packs Alpha but because Renee is a hybrid, she was given the title of Omega.

After a rouge army declares war on Renee's pack her Alpha decides its time for help.

He calls upon the Alpha King.

Ekon Muerte is the Alpha King, he has ruthlessly killed anyone who challenges his throne and destroys those who oppose him.

Ekon is feared and the last thing anyone wants to do is anger him.

Ekon is said to be cold, deadly, and loveless due to never finding his mate.

He doesn't have a weakness.

The Alpha King takes the other Alphas plea for help, he agrees to protect their pack, but at a cost.

The problem, no one knows what that is yet, not even the King himself.

When Ekon gets to the pack he is shocked to find the Rouges already attacking and for a small girl, Renee, to be leading the others into battle.

The Alpha King just discover his mate, and she's being attacked by bloodthirsty wolves.

Renee has always been cast aside in the werewolf community and now she has to assume one of the most important roles.

Renee doesn't know how to handle being the mate of the Alpha King and Ekon doesn't know how to handle having a weakness.

It's either going to be a disaster, or it's going to turn out great but either way, it's going to be one hell of a journey.


Questions? Message me or comment and I'll do my best to respond, even if you don't have questions feel free to comment!

Honestly makes my day.

Started On: May 19, 2019.

Ended On:

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