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Hey, guys. I know this is gonna be a bit weird but my sister is whoscountinganyway and we're doing a trade-off where I promote her book and she generously does the same to me.

I love you guys so please read this short blurb and description for her book! I swear it's so good (besides little grammar mistakes and some errors) and the MC's are literally one of my OTPs. Her book is my go-to book when I feel like trash.

(Also, I love my sis so much bc like I love Emma and Xavier so much so I wrote my sis some fanfic about them and she legit used that in her book so part of her book and the sequel is written by me.)

Anyways my potato gang-


     Both Emmeline Carter and Xavier Wolf, the Devil, are a little broken, their minds dark places with twisted thoughts.
     Dragged to a party by their best friends Jessamine and Callum, things don't go as planned. Tensions rise along with feeling, hickeys, and neither of them are prepared for how intensely they seem to crave the other.
     To go along with Emma's sarcastic and wanting to die mindset, Xavier has a biting kink that drives her insane. Paired with that Jessie has questionable morals and Callum, the Angel, isn't as nice as he seems.
     Both have pasts that haunt every breath they take and thoughts they want to keep closely tucked away. Rough patches are a given but so is their affection for one another.
     Jessamine is their biggest shipper, and pretty soon both of them will realize that the love she always talks about might just fit for the both of them.
     But problems always come when people are happiest.
     Will they be able to get past another bump in the road to the end?
     Will they stay with one another or will their past be the very thing that messes with their future together?

• Find out in Marie S'teel's book The Devil (Book One of the Wolf Pack Series)

• There's a finished and published sequel with three other books in the making (Enjoy)


I won.

Against the Devil.

I won!

"That's my bestie!" Jessamine shouts, giving me a high five as we smirk in Cal and Julian's face.

The Angel nods, scratching the back of his neck with a sheepish expression. "I deserved that." He admits. 

Julian simply sticks his nose in the air and sulks next to him.

Hands clamp down onto my shoulders as a shadow falls over me. Heat encases my back as Xavier presses against me. "I didn't." He growls lowly. 

I gulp, about to respond when I feel his teeth sink into the same spot at the crook of my neck. My eyes squeeze shut as I gasp loudly, my body locking in place as the Devil grabs my hips.

"Ouch." Jessie winces.

"Dude," Cal coughs.

"So that's how you knew!" Julian says, happy he figured it out. "Gross." 

Xavier digs into me harder, making my fists clench against my shirt. "Xavier," I warn, only to squeal loudly as his sharp teeth leave me and he licks across the mark. 

As soon as he releases me I bolt from him, wiping the spit away.

I glare at the Devil, knowing he purposely made a show of licking me like that to embarrass me as I clearly wasn't freaked or even grossed out like most people would be.

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