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"The first time he calls you holy you laugh it back until your sides hurt. The second time you moan gospel around his fingers between your teeth. He has always surprised you into surprising yourself. Because he's an angel hiding his halo behind his back and nothing has ever felt so filthy as plucking his feathers from his shoulders - undressing his softness one feather at a time. God, if you're out there, if you're listening, he fucks like a seraphim, and there's no part of scripture that prepared you for his hands. His hands that map a communion in the cradle of your hips. Hands that kiss hymns up your sides. He confesses how long he has looked for a place to worship and, oh, you put him on his knees. When he sinks to the floors and moans like he can't help himself, you wonder if the other angels fell so sweet. He says prayers between your thighs and you dig your heels into the base of his spine until he blushes the color of your filthy tongue. You'll ruin him and he will thank you; he will say please. No damnation has ever looked as cozy as this, but you fit over his hips like they were made for you. You fit, you fit, you fit. On top of him, you are an ancient God that only he remembers and he offers up his skin. And you take it. Who knew sacrifice was so profane? And once you've taught him how to hold your throat in one hand and your heart in the other, you will have forgotten every other word, besides his name.
-Profane by Ashe Vernon.


Uncle Percy spent two hours explaining everything to the Alpha King while I sat on his lap, they planned a rigorous training and border control, before uncle Percy even acknowledged me.

Don't get me wrong, it was more than enjoyable to straddle my mates lap for the last two hours while playing with his hair and his giant hands but after a while, my kind wonders and when I am left with my thoughts for a period of time things do not go well.

"Can you get into contact with the Witch King?" I turned my head to look Percy whose eyes were on me, before looking back at my lap, where my hands were fiddling with one of the Alpha King's. From the corner of my eyes, I saw my mate open his mouth to speak but I beat him to it.

"No. I already told Checkers, she has remained in power because she has always done what's what for her people, and trust me when I say this has nothing to do with her people." I shake my head, noting the way Alpha King Ekon looks at me in genuine surprise. "I'm not not going to look like a fool in front of her when I already know her answer."


"No, Uncle Percy." I groan, my fingers running along the length of my mate's palm. "You don't know Grams as I do, she is so full of energy and despite being the Witch Queen she is so chaotic. I'm not getting her involved. You can be the one to seem like an idiot and ask her to be involved in a war that with the Alpha Kings and my help, we'll win anyways."

"If you honestly believe we need the help as things progress, will you please contact her?"

"Yes," I nod before leaning into the Alpha King's chest. I look up at him as he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Queen Tempe is your Grandmother?" The fact that Alpha King Ekon didn't even call her the Witch Queen showed that they were friends.

"Yup, I'm royalty."

"That would make you a princess." The Alpha King blinks at me. "That also makes you the successor of the Witches throne?"

"Yes?" I answer nervously.

"Great." The Alpha King groans, his face nuzzling into my hair. "Tempe is going to kick my ass."

"What?" I laugh. "Why would Grams do that?"

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