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"this is my battleground,
this body is mine to turn into land mines,
and explosions,
and it is mine to ruin and to touch,
it is not yours to explore.
if you touch me one more time i'm going to rip your jugular out with my teeth.
- i hope you like how my lips look stained red. (S.N.S.)


I snarled from my spot on the ground.

The warrior above me was giving me his best and it still wasn't good enough. My pack had excellent warriors, all of whom had little respect for me.

They thought they could easily take me down but they got one hell of a shock when I beat Checkers, their standing Gamma while sparring. Then I beat Cupid, who's the Beta, and shit hit the fan.

The warriors were determined to beat me. They didn't want the little hybrid that lives in the woods to kick their asses but I did.

Uncle Percy wanted me to teach them something so that's what I'm doing.

I'm teaching them not to mess with me.

This warrior, Pete, hated me.

I know, shocking, but he was holding back nothing. We were supposed to be sparring but it was more like I was sparring and he was trying to claw my eyes out.

Ekon isn't very happy about that, I can feel it through our mate bond.

I quickly stand up again, I dodge one of Pete's fast-moving fists and rammed my elbow onto his back. He stumbled but whipped around to face me, eyes black with penetrating anger.

My heart pumped fast in my chest as I brought my fists up to block a series of punches. I throw my arms against his body and he goes flying back. Twisting on the ground he shifts making me gasp.

That idiot let his emotions get the best of him.

He rushed me and I slid under his stomach and kick his diagram making Pete choke. His body shook as I rammed my shoulder into his side putting him on the ground.

I climbed on top of him, his claws digging into my side but I manage to get my legs to hold down his massive paws and my arms wrap around his neck trapping the giant wolf.

Checkers starts to count down from ten and Pete grows more frustrated. He growls and wiggles trying to escape.

I ignore the blood rushing down my side due to him clawing me and hold him tighter. Checkers gets to five and Pete stopped struggling. I don't loosen my grip until the spar session is done.

I weakly let go of Pete and stand up, my hands against my sides.


The blood is staining my shirt.

"I know you guys don't like me," I yelled out, my voice as authoritative as it can be. "But I'm here to help you guys. There's a war coming whether you like it or not. I sure as hell don't like a lot of you but at least try. I'm not here to be the favorite, I'm here to teach you guys so you have a better chance of survival on the battlefield."

I sigh, my hands going into my pockets as my body gets stiff. "You guys don't know what it's like, fighting for your lives during a war. Besides rogues, our pack has remained peaceful for a long time. You aren't only fighting to get a mindless rogue off our land, you're fighting for your pack, for your people. This is more than you. These wolves that we'll be fighting have as much experience as you, they have been trained and tested and they don't just want to kill you, they want to take your land. They have a purpose, they want to win but so do you. Just listen to me when I speak and all of this can go much smoother."

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