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"You want to be an earthquake,
You want to be a mountain,
You want to be so unmoveable that people will never push you around again.
But don't you know that the only thing that's invincible is lighting?
That it can shape through the sky like it was meant to be there and leave so abruptly that everything seems amiss.
Don't you want to be unstoppable?
Don't you want to be so powerful, to have such a big roar of thunder following your every move so everyone knows not to mess with you?
Or is it peace you seek?"


"We are surrounded by idiots," I say and sigh a second later, my eyes taking in the scene before me.

Checkers snickers to my right. "I know, isn't it great?"

I'm convinced both her and my grandmother is on drugs.

I turn to Checkers, my eyes narrowed at her smirking face. She flashes her fangs at me and throws me a wink before we both shuffle to face the ridiculous fight in front of us.

Ekon was fighting Grammy Tempe.

With water guns.

That is cursed with a spell my grandmother made so that the water stains clothes, skin, and anything else a glittery pink for a whole day.

Yep, that's what the all-powerful which queen used her powers for.

A water gun fight.

With the Alpha King, my mate.

The winner gets to have dinner with me, alone, and I have no idea how that came to be the challenge seeing how I'd be content to have both my mate and my grandmother with me while I ate but they apparently didn't want that.

Grandma was originally going to have a duel with Ekon but apparently, that was too silly.

So here they are, dodging each other in the middle of the woods with water guns at ten in the morning just so they could pick who'd have dinner with me.

Honestly, though. This could have been solved with rock, paper, scissors.

I'm not even sure how one of them is supposed to win.

Is it whoever gets the least wet?

I watch, a smile popping onto my lips as Ekon nails my grandma right on her hair, which Grammy Tempe has always been ridiculous about keeping her hair at shoulder length and golden.

And now, it's bright pink and glittery.

Rage pops into my grandma's eyes and I instantly laugh as Ekon's face pales.

"I'm sorry-" The Alpha King begins but he's cut off by a scream from my grandma.

"Eat shit!" The Queen yells.

Checkers and I watch from the sidelines, sitting on a branch in a tree, as the Queen pounces on my mate and sprays him as he frantically tries to get up but she spells him to stay still.

Since Ekon has such a powerful body and aura, as King, the spell barely works but it's enough for Grandma Tempe to completely soak my mate until his entire body was in the same condition as her hair.

I laughed, my eyes taking in the glittery substance all over my mate - or should I say is my mate?

If he shifts will his fur also be pink and glittery?

I'm tempted to ask but seeing as my grandma has obviously won by my mate's pout I hop out of the tree. Grandma will probably rub it into Ekon's face, I'm sure the last thing that the King needs is me seeing if even his wolf's fur is well, the same as every inch of his skin.

The Alpha King's Weakness [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now