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She breathes like every inhale makes her lungs quiver- like every breath will be her last and she's perfectly fine with that fact. 
Her eyes roll like she's waiting for a monumental moment to not care anymore, like every cell in her body is on standby to see when she can stop putting any effort in.
She walks like sadness is seeping from the bottom of her feet and her gait is that of someone who leaves death in their wake with every step.
Her hand shakes when she glares as if her anger has to pour out from more places than just the bottomless pits of her eyes.
She is so unapologetically herself, sometimes I wonder if it's all pretend- how can someone live in this world without wanting to change a thing about themselves?
Or is it that she wants to change everything but has gotten comfortable in a skin that doesn't feel like her own?
I guess that's the thing, when you want to die it doesn't really matter what you look like.

Hey, guys.
I know I've been sucking really bad about my updating times, and I know probably a lot of you are getting annoyed at my awkward schedule but I'm trying.


"Little one, we have to go." The King says, his arms wrapped around me as his nose nuzzled into my neck. "This war isn't going to resolve itself."

"One could hope." I sigh, gasping lightly when my mate drags his teeth across the crook between my neck and my shoulder. "Ekon!"

"What, little one?" He teases. "You want to stay in bed, so we might as well enjoy ourselves."

My cheeks burn with thoughts that make my thighs clench.

"Bad giant." I huff, lightly pushing against his chest. He happily sits up, probably thinking I'm actually getting up but no.

I'm still going to be a potato.

Just, this time, I'm going to be on top of Ekon so he couldn't escape me.

Without warning, I wrap my legs around his waist- which certainly didn't help my thoughts- and pulled him onto the bed making him grunt. I roll on top of the giant, straddling him happily as I cuddle into his chest, my face pressed into the bare skin by his collarbone.

Ah, I could stay here forever. I just need donuts and I'm good to go.

"Little one." The King warns but he comes up and plays with my hair. I swear he's trying to make me sleepy. "We have to go or we'll be late for the meeting."

"You're the King, reschedule."

"Punctuality is important."

"Punctuality went into a coma during high school and never woke up."

"You really don't want to move, do you?" Ekon asks, sitting us up making me groan as my foot hits the cold wall.

"No, I don't." I was tired, having had a nightmare last night that I thankfully woke up from before I could startle my mate awake. "I miss you, this is how I'm making up for the time spend apart."

Ekon goes silent and guilt pools into my stomach. I should've said that differently...

"I'm sorry, giant." I pull back and cup his face, his dark eyes starring at me with something akin to sadness. "I don't blame you for what you did, but I can't help the craving of wanting to be by you."

The Alpha King's Weakness [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now