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"Is this what it has come to?
The blood,
The gore,
Have you always known your destruction was going to be beautiful?"
- You should've known this was coming, S.N.S.


"I hate you," Cupid growls at me. His chest heaved up and down as he glares, despite the smirk on my face I was honestly nervous.

We were up in my room while Checkers, Ekon, and unfortunately Rex were still downstairs in the living room.

Cupid wanted to take a nap, so I let him.

Just not peacefully.

"Sorry?" I laugh out, my hands raised in the air. Cupid quirks up one angry eyebrow at me.

Oh, shit.

He's real kind of mad.

"Sorry? You're, you're sorry?" He snarls. I back away slowly, my mind already set on the safe place- my mate. "You dyed my hair bright pink!"

I can't control my giggle and the once over I give his beautiful neon pink hair.

I was surprised that Cupid didn't wake up when he felt the dye move through his hair but that bit has always been a heavy sleeper. Knowing that if he smelt the bleach or the chemicals from a normal dye her wake up, so I grew a special kind of flower with a heavy staining effect when you crushed up the seeds. I paired that with a potent herb and bam!

A dye that will remain in his hair for over a month.

Or he could just dye it back.

Cupid's eyes twitched and my smile grew wider, not out of joy but of nervousness.

I'm dead.

"I'm going to kill you."


I'm so dead.

"Wait, wait!" I raise my hands, stopping him from lunging at me. "Think about this calmly, you do look good and-" I shriek as he jumps at me with a loud snarl.

Did I forget to mention that he hates pink?

"Oh, Goddess!" I scream, my feet moving me quicker than Cupid could ever move as I race down the steps. My body propelling me in Ekon's general direction.

Cupid snarls behind me. I know he is mad because of his chair but he would never hurt me. He'd just tickle me but that is so much worse.

He grabs the back of my shirt and I hear a rip. My face pales hoping my scars weren't visible as I crashed into the large living room. I saw Ekon as he head snapped up, his eyes narrowing on me as I rushed towards him before he looked back at his book. Rex stood up in my way, not intentionally, I knew he was only going to hug his mate but I flinch anyway.

Making a fast decision I grab the back of Rex's shirt and push him towards Cupid, the mere contact of his body underneath my fingertips felt putrid to all my senses.

"Calm down your mate!" I commanded Rex, who gave me a weird look but embraced the red-faced and pink haired werewolf anyway.

I giggled manically.

Cupid looked like, well, the actual Cupid besides less babyish, less naked, and less bow and arrows.

"Um," Rex coughs. " your hair?"

The Alpha King's Weakness [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now