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Her eyes are as green as the tops of trees when the sun is just over the horizon;
her touch is the soft look of moss; she blinks like how leaves move in the wind;
her laughter wraps around you like a grapevine;
her taste is like spearmint toothpaste after you drink a glass of water;
she always smells like the grass after it rains and her hair smells like crisp green apples;
her smirk is a speck of mistletoe;
her eyes glisten like green Christmas tree lights.
And she's beautiful- so beautiful but my favorite color has always been blue.


The darkness around us is beautiful.

The trees seem to soak up the moon's light, the grass gleaming it's reflecting due to the dew on the small stems. Through my magic, I can feel the chill as a soft wind sweeps through the willow trees leaves and passes onto an oak tree, it's strength unyielding to anything that stands in its way.

My body curls against the King's, my eyes glancing up at the sky. Millions of lights glare down at me, their glow unapologetically themselves and proud of the space they take up as they journey through the vast and unknown universe.

The moon, the Goddess looks down at us as well. Her creations, her children that she guides with an invisible hand. Sometimes I question if she is real or not, and then I question that if she is real, is she kind?

If we are all her children, her creatures of the night, then shouldn't she have protected us better?

But I shouldn't wonder such things.

The Goddess is real, and she isn't the only divine deity to rule the earth and the creations that walk among it- so she must not be omnipotent. If she was, if anyone was, I'm sure that they wouldn't allow such pain to be created.

Because how can someone look at the world and see nothing worth protecting?

The Goddess is also the ones who pair everyone with their mate, so I owe her everything within my soul that I was given Ekon to love.

"What are you thinking about, little one?" The King asks, his arms wrapping around me to bring me further into his side. "I can practically hear that beautiful brain of yours ticking away."

"That's because I don't use it too much and it became rusty." I quip. "The gears are churning against one another as they try to get into action. Sadly, there's been no progress. I'm like a llama without a top hat."

"That witty comment proves your brain works perfectly fine." Ekon pauses. "Llamas have top hats?"

"No, but don't you agree they'd look so much better with one on?"

"Perhaps but I think it would just get in the way."

"How so?" I ask, turning my head to look the King in his dark eyes.

"Because." He shrugs, his eyes holding me captive with the intense look they somehow always get. "If they dropped the hat or it fell off they couldn't pick it up and put it back on. So there'd just be a bunch of sad llamas with top hats on the ground and honestly, who wants to see that?"

"Oh." My eyes widen and Ekon's flash in amusement. "You're right. Top hats and llamas don't mix."


"Is this really what you two are talking about right now?" A voice, Grams, asks. "Llamas and top hats?"

"Llamas wearing top hats." I correct, sitting up, the King does the same, his steady gaze on my wackadoo grandmother.

The Alpha King's Weakness [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now