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"The way you slam your body into mine reminds me
I'm alive,
but monsters are always hungry,
and they're only a few steps behind you."
-Richard Siken


I never really understood why mates had trouble sleeping away from one another.

I couldn't understand it, I thought that it was simply a want, not a necessity.

Now, I know why.

It was three in the morning and I still haven't gone to sleep, usually, the only thing that kept me up was nightmares, now I'm scared for a whole different reason.

Was the King okay or did something happen to him?

Is Ekon struggling to sleep the same way I am, or is he okay?

I'm away from him so close after I found him and I am so worried that something is bothering him, especially after the day we had.

I sit up in bed and angrily pull my hair into a ponytail. He's a King, of course, he's okay.

I'm overreacting to literally nothing.

I know he's okay.

He is.

He'd tell me if something happened.

He's just down the hall.

Then why is every cell within me begging me to be closer, begging more me to press against him, and why do I want to kiss this worry away?

I never kissed anyone before, I've never had this desire to touch someone and map out every inch of their body like they were some divine deity that I needed to worship in the best way possible- with my hands and tongue and lips and body.

I've never been one who had thoughts like these and now that I've met my mate it's like a flip was switched.

I groan, my head tilting back.

Why am I losing sleep over this?

My eyelids are heavy and my body is begging for sleep but my mind simply won't go to bed.

I huff, my eyes already adjusting to the dark room, perks of being part wolf.

I stand up and instantly regret it as soon as my feet touch the cold floor. I hiss and quickly make my way over to my rug that lays in front of the door.

I gently pull it open, my eyes instantly locking onto my guest rooms door, the room that the King is sleeping in.

I avoid the creaks on the floor as I go to stand in front of it, biting my lip.

Ekon's my mate, he'll understand the need to be close to him, right?

But he's also the King.

Will he be upset that I disturbed his peace?

He did say that the real work starts today, so what if he ends up being tired while trying to work and its all my fault?

I take a deep breath to calm myself and that's when I smell it, the King's mouthwatering scent. My body instantly relaxes, my mind calming slightly.

He can be a grump later but right now I need him.

Not want, need.

I reach to grab the handle, figuring that he's already in bed and I'll just wake him up and go from there, but the door swings open. I squeak and jump back, my heart racing.

The Alpha King's Weakness [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now