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Ichor drips down from his fingertips-
And I can't decide whether or not it's from him or from me,
Am I an angel with her wings ripped out or is he one of the fallen whose eyes can only see the fire and ash from when he fell?
What if we are both here, just covered in the remains of something ancient- something holy and destined to only watch the heavens from below?
Can we save ourselves from this dwindling fate or is this all we'll ever be?
Has hell come for us or have we gone to it willingly?
Lucifer was a fallen angel but he's still a King of his own making.
Even if we are now among these mortal, loving beasts, we can make ourselves into something more.

This chapter is honest to God a filler with some stuff before the war.
All I can say is prepare yourself for the next chapter, love you beans!


"Hey, Ren." Cupid, quite nervously says. His hands swing by his sides before clashing together, his fingers grabbing onto each other. "Can we talk?"

"Sure," I close the book I had been reading and set it on the grass.

Around us, the warriors remain in constant movement. The sounds of painful grunts emit across the field as all the men and women who are going to have to fight for their lives tomorrow try to take their opponent down.

It smells like fear, anger, blood, sweat, and the disgusting smell of whatever the hell my Grams has been concocting into thin glass bottles.

When we fight in the war, our witches will activate whatever lethal toxin is inside and throw it towards the enemy lines, killing hundreds. An advantage I am more than grateful for.

Cupid blushes, his hands raking through his hair as he rocks back and forth on his heels.

"So, I was thinking..." He pauses.

"You were thinking?" I sit up straight, patting the spot next to me. Cupid quickly sits down.

"Yeah, that happens once in a while." He nervously rubs his knuckles over his jaw. "Can Rex could talk to you? He wants to apologize for everything he put you through."

I stare at Cupid for a moment.

"Rex wants to apologize?" I murmur. "Like, for real? Not just because you're his mate and I'm your friend?"

"He wants to do it because he knows that you deserve an apology and that after tomorrow, he may not be able to do that." Cupid's face goes a bit pale. "We may all die, Ren. Rex doesn't want this hanging over him—the Goddess isn't as forgiving as we like to think she is."

"Huh." Is my only really dumb response.

"So, can he?"

"Sure, as long as he means it."

"He does, I promise." Cupid excitedly stands which draws the attention of both our mates and Checkers. I can tell Ekon wants to come over to me but he is sparring. "Rex, come here!"

The vampire looks more than nervous as he strides over to us. My body tenses as I lock eyes with his red glowing pair.

"Hi." I blurt.

Oh, baby cheese puffs. My brain isn't working.

"Hey," Rex grabs onto his mate's waist for comfort, his arms holding onto Cupid as if he was a lifeline.

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