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Do you think wildfires start when people are prepared for them?
Do you think war just waited?
Do you think that this- this painful thing between us was just going to resolve itself?
Did you think that because I can smile without it being so painful anymore that you're forgiven?
No. No. No. No. That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works.
Time does not equate to me being able to trust you again. Me being able to trust you again won't happen but I still deserve an apology.
Because, after all, war won't stop and eventually you'll be dragged down with me too.

Hey, guys. Love you all, there's a really important note at the bottom, please read it. Please remember to comment, it makes me happy :D))


"You have no right to be angry at me!" I growl out, my arms crossed over my chest as I lean back again Ekon, who stands strong behind me with my hands on my hips. "It's not like I could go shouting across the county that the King is my mate. Do you know how many people would try to use that to their advantage? We're on the brink of war, my pack and I can't be vulnerable in any sense of the word right now."

Cecelia, who is Sebastian's sister and Beta, just rolled her eyes and glared right back at me.

She holds grudges a lot and she takes everything personally.

Meaning, when she found out the King was my mate, she got extremely pissed and immediately took to making faces at me and jabbing me in the arm with her slender finger because I didn't tell her when it happened.

"Still could have written a letter."

"And risk someone reading it?" I glower. "Come on, Cece. You know I would've told you if it was safe enough."

She's silent for a second before she says, "Are you scared or something? You know you'll win the war anyways."

"Macklem's in the war," I inform, the name tasting like poison in my mouth. "And I don't ever want him to hurt someone I care for again. We will win, yes, because we are lucky to have such skillful beings on our side but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do everything in our power to reduce the amount of casualties we'll have."

"Fair enough." Cece's glare turns into a full-blown smirk, matching the look that Checkers often gives me. "When are you two going to Mark one another?"

In other words, when are we going to make love?

"None of your concern." Ekon cuts in. "Now, if you'll excuse us we have to go to a meeting with that brother of yours."

"Sure." She winks, calmly leaning against my house, the same house she met us outside of. Or, more like ambushed us with questions.

Cece was always calm except when she had a grudge, totally opposite of Checkers that way.

Checkers is never calm unless she is holding a grudge because that means she's thinking of something really bad and conniving.

I'm kind of dreading Checkers and this wacky vampire-werewolf hybrid meeting but at the same time, I have a good feeling about them meeting.

Hm. Maybe they'll be friends.

Then again, Checkers doesn't really like new people unless she's heard about them a lot like Grams and I never really talk about Bash or Cece because they remind me of a dark time in my life.

I time when I was so long with only Uncle Percy to raise me but he had no idea what to do with a kid who went through what I went through. Who would?

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