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Oh, darling.
This isn't war-
there's no bloodshed or battle cries;
no cruel men dressed in armor;
no choking on smoke or having your eyes burned by ash.
No, this is heartbreak.
This is not knowing what to do with yourself anymore;
this is sadness so grand you can feel it in the way your head hurts;
this is hell and emptiness;
this is what it feels like to shatter.
This isn't war, darling, but it definitely feels like it is because your brain says one thing, "they're gone", while your heart says, "come back".

Guess who's back... back again... It's your author, me(that one loser)!


After about ten minutes, Ekon finally stopped pacing.

I want to talk to him, I want to ask him so many questions but mostly I just want him to hold me.

The problem with that, however, is that if he shifts he'll be naked and in a confined space with me trying not to act on impulse and jump him.

I sigh deeply, my head dipping as I willingly allow myself to slip onto the ground, my chin on my knees and I sit down. Ekon glances at me, his eyes enchanting me as well as tugging on my heartstrings.

He looks away.

I can't even breathe. Tears prick my eyes. Was I really that bad of a mate, that unwanted, that he can't even look at me?

I keep my eyes on the King's paws as he continues pacing, finally noticing the loose piece of fabric around one of his hind legs.

He does have clothes.

At least, if the King shifts, I will be able to focus instead of zoning in on his nakedness.

I take a shuddering breath, my throat squeezes, my fingers grow cold. Anxiety suffocates me, slowly but surely. I squeeze my eyes shut, blocking out memories as I breathe in through my nose.

Ekon's scent fills my lungs and I gasp.

There's too much.

There are too many feelings.

I can't- I can't deal with them. Having a mate isn't supposed to be like this.

It isn't supposed to be like this.

My mate won't talk to me, now he won't even look at me. And I don't know how to fix it.

"Please, giant," I sniffle, my lip trembling as I look at my mate. "I don't know what I did... I don't know how I upset you."

The King's large head snaps over to me, his eyes darkening as a whine breaks from his lips. He paws at the ground gently, I get the message and shakily go to stand by him.

I have the feeling that if he touched me, I'd crumble.

The King looks into my eyes as he shifts, my gaze never drifts lower but a blush does crawl up my neck. Bending over, he quickly puts on his shorts, his intense eyes boring into my soul.

He knows just how hurt I am by just once glance. His gaze softens, his pink lips going into a small frown as he steps closer, only a couple feet of grass between us now.

"I'm so sorry, my little one," He quickly eliminates the space between us, hesitating for only a second before he wraps his arms around me, crushing me in a hug that has a sob of relief to breach my lips.

The Alpha King's Weakness [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now