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"Run." They sneered as they advanced on the women together, "For we like to hint little rabbits."
"Good." The women smiled mercilessly and then devoured them, "For we are not the rabbits, we are the wolves."
-Nikkita Gill.


A storm was screaming at the world to stop, a bolt of lightning struck down a tree like it possessed the mightiest of rage, thunder cracked the air like it was a whip.

The earth was furious at something, I could feel the tension in the air.

I breathed in and out, my heart beating in my chest rapidly for no reason. The hair on the back of my neck stood up on its end as I heard a creak from somewhere in the house.

I lived alone, so that was definitely not a good thing.

Abandoning my window, the night sky was illuminated by the moon and the fury of the thunderstorm and not much else, I quickly turn on my bedrooms light making my eyes sting until they adjusted.

Who could be in my house?

What did they want?

Maybe it was Checkers, my best friend. Checkers, whose real name was Lilac, has been friends with me since I beat up someone who was bullying her in 7th grade. Her last name is Checkers and I think it's funny calling her that because she absolutely despises it.

Checkers is a vampire but her mother was mates to the old Gamma assuring her place in the pack.

Unlike me, since her mother had her with a different vampire before meeting her mate, wasn't pushed around for what kind of creature she was.

Checkers usually called me before coming over but she did have the key.

I took a deep breath trying to calm down my nerves, yeah, it was only my best friend, not some high ranking werewolf or rouge ready to tear my head off.

Jeez, if it comes to a fight I really don't want to explain how I was able to take them down.

I opened my door slowly, biting my lip in nervousness as the floor creaked under my weight with every step. I froze as I heard someone's footsteps in my living room.

Hesitatingly, I reached out for the light, my eyes taking a couple of seconds adjusting and when they do I see Checkers standing frozen in my living room, a bag of spicy chips in her hand and a mug of what is probably coffee in the other. Her hair that was tied up into a messy bun was soaked from just being out in the rain and her sweatpants weren't doing much better. Her pale skin made her red-eyed glow eerily.

"Checkers!" I brief out in relief, my hand above my heart. "Why'd you have to scare me like that?"

"Oh, hey, Ren," She swallows down some of the chips she's been eating. "Didn't want to wake you up? Wait, that's a lie. Even if I was some murderer its not like you wouldn't be able to defend yourself."

"Anyone ranked higher than you, the Gamma, can take me down if I don't use my powers," I huff, crossing my arms. "That's not even the point, why are you here?"

"Wow, I feel welcomed," Checkers pouts at me, her red eyes glowing slightly. "I just came to tell you something very important."

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