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"You cannot force what you don't know,
you cannot change what you do,
you can't help if you get eaten alive by the truth,
or if the truth refuses to set you free."
- Knowledge is only kind to those who don't have it. (S.N.S.)


One of my mate's hands grabs my waist and the other traces over one of my scars. Usually, I wouldn't mind Ekon touching me, anywhere really, but this time it caused warning bells to go off in my head.

I ripped myself away from Ekon, my body turning around so I was pressed flat into the front door, my hands clasped over my mouth as I stare at Ekon.

He saw.

He saw the scars.

I might be the Alpha King's weakness but he just saw mine.

He knows how pathetic I am now.

My wolf itches towards the surface, whimpering at the thought of Ekon rejecting us.

Would he? Because of what I went through? Because I wasn't strong enough to stop a couple of people from hurting me?

"Please don't." I gasp out, my eyes watering as I look into the King's glowing ones. "Please don't reject me."

Ekon's body begins to shake and before I know what happened I'm bundled up into his arms. My chin was resting on his shoulder, my arms trapped between us and my legs off the ground as he holds me to his body.

"Stop..." I command weekly, he holds me tighter as I begin to struggle. My tears come out thicker and I choke on my own emotion. "Please."

Ekon buried his face into my hair, his chest rumbling in an attempt to soothe me. It works slightly but it was too late, my panic has already eaten its way up my chest and into my throat making it hard to breathe.

"You can't," I tell him. I continue to struggle, my chest heaving as I try to make him release me. Sparks traveled along my body and it terrified me, the thought of never feeling them again.

"Little one, calm down." One iron arm wraps tightly around my waist as his hand comes up to grab my chin. "Look at me, just look at me."

My breaths come out as short puffs, my struggles stop as I stare into his eyes. His face held a calm resolve which in turn calmed me slightly. I stood on my toes and pressed my face into his neck letting his scent soothe my worries.

"I would never reject you, little one." He murmurs, his hands traveling up and down my back, being careful not to touch the one scar he could see. "There's not anything in this world that would make me leave you. The Goddess gifted me the blessing of being your mate and every day I will try to be the best I can for you."

I sniffled and held him tighter. "You're mine," I tell him.

"I'm yours," Ekon replies. "I'm yours, little one. You're my whole world now, life wouldn't be worth living without you and the thought of giving you up or someone taking you away from me makes my blood boil. I hate seeing you in pain and I will regret hurting you with every breath I take." He kisses my head. "Why would I reject someone of such magnificence?"

"You're the Alpha King," I whimper. "I'm weak, Ekon, I can only drag you down and, and you saw the scars."

"They are scars, my little love, they just mean you went through something and survived."

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