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Do I get it? Yes, absolutely.
How could I not understand the carnal desire, the lust, of simply wanting to be close to another?
Now, now.
It's not about touching, it's about feeling. It's about intimacy, not sex.
Oh? Those are the same?
Well, darling, let me tell you- there's a difference between showing someone your naked skin and showing someone your naked soul.

I hope you all enjoy, sorry that its been awhile :)


I wasn't mad. No, mad is the wrong word. Mad is spiteful, it's glares and scornful looks, scoffs, and avoidance.

Frustration, absolutely. I feel like eye-rolls and nail tapping, like sassy gestures and long, narrowed-eyed stares.

Disappointment, hurt, those too. I felt like not good enough, like filling a glass to the brim and only drinking half, like spending the day building a sandcastle only to crush it during the night.

I couldn't figure out what I did, what I could've done wrong.

The King was avoiding me.

It might seem like an overreaction to some, but to me, it felt my body was scattered all over the place not knowing what to do because it wasn't next to his.

I can be childish, I know that but my reaction isn't immature. My mate hasn't talked to me in two weeks, every time I try to speak to him he quickly walks off or ignores me.

If he sees me, he'll hide out somewhere just so I can't speak to him.

It was taking a toll on my body.

I missed his warmth; his touches, the soft way his hands would hold me to him, the heat that entered my stomach whenever he looked at me, and his eyes- I missed trying to decipher the looks in his eyes.

I miss his lips on mine.

But mostly, I just miss him. All of him.

I miss my giant.

His past, whatever happened in it, doesn't define him. I wish he knew that I understood that someone's past can tear them apart in heartbreaking ways but he doesn't.

Because he won't speak to me.

Granda Tempe has been growing more are more frustrated with Ekon's lack of attention towards me.

I've fully healed from the attack but the memories of the pain, of my blood being drunk by those rogue vampires, have plagued me ever since.

I needed my mate to comfort me, I still do, but he's not here

He's mine.

But right now, it feels like he doesn't even want to be.

My grandma sees this and due to her annoyance over something she can't control, in a world where my crazy grandma whose a literal Queen and can control most things, she's taken it out on the pack's warrior.

Every morning during the week she trains the warriors with me, taking over the job Ekon was assigned.

Don't get me wrong, I love Grams, but when she makes my pack count their pushps by different kind of potatoes, I start to get worried.

I mean, there's only so many potatoes.

"Ren!" Arms fly around my neck, making me slightly lose balance form my spot on my window seat where I've been reading for the past hour. "You've got to help!"

The Alpha King's Weakness [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now