Chapter 12: Sleep over

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"It's fine." i talked in a sharp tone as i turned and pushed his hand away from mine. Then i realized something, i've never even had sex before and i was being so harsh to him about it, but I regretted it right  after when I realized all i really wanted the most in that moment was to hold his hand. I looked out the window to try to wipe my tears that were building up away without him noticing, it seemed to work he was still too lost in thought.

I knew i had to speak to him now because he was even worse than me at over thinking things. "The lights green" i simply said while I fixed myself in the passengers seat so that i was sitting normally again. He snapped out of his thought and looked at me, and i was reassured he was over thinking, his eyes said it all. I giggled a little it was cute to see him worry, "You do realize we've been at this light for about 5 minutes while it's been changing" he didn't say anything only smirked as he drove off

"I'm sorry" i paused a little before speaking again, "I shouldn't have acted like that, I shouldn't have acted like this all day actually" he stopped the car, there was no one else around as we pulled over "I don't expect you to want to have sex tonight you've only just gotten back today and i've just screwed up what should have been an amazing day" he was going to speak but i cut him off raising my hand, "Let me finish.. I'm sorry i pushed so far today, i'm sorry i ruined this day, i'm sorry i'm such a handful, i'm sorry if you feel tied down... i'm sorry you ended up being stuck with me-"

Now he cut me off "I'm not." he had a smile on his face again, "You're not what?" he chuckled a little, "..Sorry that i ended up 'stuck' with you.." a huge smile spread across my face as i blushed a little, "Aww Harry, well now i feel like an even bigger asshole about today" 

"Don't be, it's only just made me realize how much i really care for you.. and if i wouldn't have gotten stuck with you I'd only be a miserable lonely reck right now." i smiled as i looked down at his hand to grab it, "Oh and i'm sorry i pushed your hand away." he had a big cheeky grin on his face, "Now that one, that's what you're going to have to pay  for" he drove off, we were only a few blocks from my house so only took a couple minutes to get there.

As we were in front of my house he just sat there playing with fingers and smiling. He looked up at me and then leaned in slowly as our lips crashed together. He had his hands cupped around my face but it wasn't long before they were wondering around my body. He then moved his lips to my jaw line then to my neck where he lightly sucked leaving love bites i assumed.

"Maybe you were right, maybe me should do this tonight" he was mumbling, his lips never leaving the skin on my neck, it gave me shivers as i felt his breath on my skin as he made his way back up to my lips, I pulled away as i lightly bit his bottom lip just to tease him, "No. you were right we really shouldn't do this tonight." I gave him a cheeky smile as i opened the car door and stepped out, his eyes had gone wide,

"You can't just leave as things were just heating up." i giggled at him, "Now look who wants it so bad," i chuckled before i continued, "Look mr. lets-save-it-for-another-night, I'll give you one last kiss before i head inside." he had a frown before his cheeky smile reappeared while he moved his eyebrows up, "How about i join you inside?" i playfully rolled my eyes, "Fine. but don't think anything interesting is going to happen in there, If you come in there's going to be no cheekiness and i'm probably just going to head to bed right now anyway." he was laughing a little as he spoke his next words, "Woah woah woah Ms.tease already asking me to bed with you? You'll have to buy me dinner first, i have some dignity."

I laughed at him, "You are such an idiot, And technically we've already been out to dinner" he chuckled, "Alright then i guess it's fine if you ask me to bed with you." "Well now i'm not so sure i want you in my bed, After all, i am a tease remember?" i said in almost a whisper as i walked towards my front door.

He quickly chased after me and wrapped his arms around me as me made our way inside. We walked up stairs to my bedroom  where i went to my dresser and pulled out some boy style undies and a shirt of harry's that he'd given me before i left him to come back to London, "There's the remote, feel free to make yourself at home, raid the fridge whatever i'm just going to go take a quick shower" he nodded and i walked into my bathroom.

I turned on the shower as i started to undress, i realized my heels were still in my hand and that i'd dropped my underwear as i handed Harry the remote. I peaked my head outside of the door, the Tv  was on but Harry wasn't around, he must be down stairs. I quickly ran into my closet set my heels down and ran back to the side of the bed where i had dropped my underwear, "And you said nothing interesting was going to happen." I gasped and covered my lady parts and yelled at him, "Harry! ...Close you eyes!.... Stop looking!" he was giggling like a little boy. I had to walk past him to get back to the bathroom as i was doing so he stopped me and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "You look beautiful you know." then he pulled me in for a kiss. 

"Not tonight Haz." i said pulling away from the kiss. He nodded as he groaned and i went back to finish my shower, i sped this shower up, i couldn't wait to be by his side again. I got out, dried myself off, put my undies on and then slipped my harry shirt over my head as i brushed my hair before putting it back up in a bun, showing off my 3 love bites that he had left me while we were in the car. I walked out to see a barely clothed Harry laying down on my bed. "Haz!?"

He looked away from the TV to give me this huge dimple filled smile, "Yes babe?" "What are doing? where are your clothes?" "Well.. I wasn't aware that i'd be sleeping over so i didn't bring anything to sleep in so, I just decided on wearing my boxers" I stood there for a little just staring at him, "Are you coming to bed then or what?" i sighed and walked over to the side of the bed, "Fine. but no fooling around" he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into the bed with him, "Did I mention how sexy you look right now?" and he began kissing my again and I pulled away, "I mean it Harold." "Fine. Fine. You're no fun." he said putting his hands up, "..Well i didn't say to let go" i cuddled myself into his side and laid my head on his torso and wrapped my arm loosely around him. My eyes were growing heavier and heavier as i slowly was drifting off to sleep hearing his heart beat.

"Are you wearing a bra right now?" leave it up to Harry to ruin the moment i thought to myself before I opened my eyes a little and mumbled, "No.... is that a problem?" i couldn't see his face but i knew he was smiling, "I thought so.... but no, not at all........ if you're trying to be a tease.." i was too tired to reply so instead i just rolled over off of him laying on my back being to tired to fully turn around. "Well don't do that." he whined a little but i ignored him

"Fine. if you're not going to lay back on me i'll just have to lay on you." I honestly was to tired to even have a conversation with him. He rolled over and placed his head on my chest, oh that cheeky boy. I just smiled to myself and placed my hand on the top of his head playing with some of his curls, "Comfy?" i said with a bit of a chuckle, he giggled like a school girl, "Very."

He tried speaking to me a little bit after that but all i did was mumble and groan and he eventually got the message and stopped talking as we both drifted off so sleep..

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