Chapter 29: Paparazzi and New friends

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-3 months later- 

Darcy and Tyler were going to be 5 months in few days, it was March 29th and they had been crawling everywhere, the doctor said at this rate they'd be walking very soon so Harry decided he was going to baby proof the house with Louis today while i took Eleanor out for some pregnancy clothes. She was now officially 3 months pregnant. She'd ended up getting pregnant a week after she told me and Perrie about it. Darcy and Tyler were at their Grammy Anne's house since I never liked taking them out with me because I was worried they'd get hurt with all the paps around. 

Ever since Louis came out with the news that he and Eleanor were expecting everyone went nuts. No one's ever seen one of the members with a pregnant girlfriend since i told hid while i was pregnant so anytime eleanor and louis left their house fans, paps, haters, everyone who knew would sworm around them. We decided to go get some coffee after we finished shopping. There were some quite a few paps out, "They're so many of them" Eleanor said a bit worriedly.

We walked past them one of them said, "Girls, how does it feel to be the Liar and The Life Ruiner" I was a bit taken back by it and Eleanor seemed a bit hurt. "Excuse me?" I said to the rude pap that had just spoken. I could tell they weren't expecting me to talk to them because he took a few seconds to reply, "People say you're a liar, you clearly only told Harry those were his kids because you wanted him back, why haven't we seen any pictures of you and him with the kids? and You.." he said looking at Eleanor, "You are a life ruiner, word is that Louis doesn't even want kids." I could see what she just heard hurt her as much as it hurt me.

"Where do you get off? Those are Harry's kids and he knows that. And once again, I never asked him to come back he came on his own! The reason we don't like to go out in public with them is because sleazy low-life's like you.. And who are you to talk about El and Lou like that! That's someones life you are messing with! Louis wants kids and has for a while now so don't  go getting into peoples business when you clearly don't even know what the hell you are talking about!" 

I grabbed Eleanor's hand as we walked to my car pushing our way threw the crowd of people, "Who are you trying to convince me or ourselves?" The pap guy shouted as we were walking to the car when i don't know who or what shoved me but i fell hard hitting my knee on the ground and cutting my hand. Eleanor helped me up and we got into my car. 

It was a quiet car ride to Anne's house to pick up Darcy and Tyler. She just asked me if i was fine and i told her i'd be fine, probably just a bruised knee and i'd wash my cut hand when we got to Anne's. When we got there i did just that and then Anne gave my some band-aids to stop the bleeding. When we got to my house we walked up to my front door and i turned to Eleanor, "I'm so sorry we shouldn't have stopped, we should have just ignored them don't listen to that pap he was only trying to stir up drama" and instead of her being mad she smiled and hugged me, "Thank You." She said simply.

She opened the door and walked inside, but even though she seemed ok about it i wasn't so sure about myself. I picked Tyler up with my good arm and sat on the kitchen counter with him sitting in between my legs while i fed him some of the banana i was eating. I was lost in thought looking at my little boy who was getting so big and to think it was about a year ago that i'd gotten pregnant with him.

He looked only a little bit like Harry now, just the dimples, eyes and hair color but his hair wasn't curly which wasn't a surpirse since niether me nor harry were born with curly or wavy hair. He had my lips though and my nose so i guess i could see where people would think well maybe that's not his kid. But Darcy, darcy looked just like him, same smile, same dimples, same lips, same as he did when he was a baby except for her nose & eye color, those were the only thing of mine that she had. Her hair was a bit wavy like mine but curled at the end.

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