Chapter 19: Growing Up

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-5 Years Later-

A few weeks ago Harry had just turned 24 it's crazy to think we met when he was only 18. This was our sixth year together and by now the hype about us had dead down. There would occasionally be photos of us out and about very rarely. Me and Harry were actually doing really good and we'd only gotten in trouble with management a few times but they just really did not like me.

This never bothered me because the boys were always there to the rescue and when Harry said always and forever he meant it and so did i.

He wasn't here for the day i figured i'd let him take a break from me for the day so he went out with some of his friends. I decided to stay in all day with my friend Ava, oddly enough she was the sweet girl from the concert a few years ago. She ended up tweeting about what i had told her so i followed her, we chatted and then decided we'd be great friends. She was always over at me and harry's flat along with her now boyfriend, Niall. Of course i sort of played match maker with those two but i just couldn't help myself, they were perfect for each other.

She had metioned that she wanted to stay in and watch chick flicks while eating brownies and ice cream all day because she was on her period. Now, usually this was the usual because me and her got our period around the same time and today she was already a few days into her period but, i didn't have mine.

Sometimes, i'd get my period late but never this late. I began thinking, there has to be a reasonable explanation for this, me and harry had sex all the time but we always used a condom. But wait! I jumped up, "OH MY GOSH! 4 WEEKS AGO!!!" i yelled jumping from the couch and walking back and forth pacing. "Ohhhh no.. Ohhhh no.. This can't be... not now.. "

Ava spoke trying to comfort me, "Jaz? what are you talking about? Calm down. Whatever it is i'm sure you'll be fine." I couldn't calm down i didn't know what to do, "AVA! YOU DON'T GET IT! 4 WEEKS AGO WAS HARRY'S BIRTHDAY!!" She was very confused, "Yeah... sooo?? We celebrated it, you didn't forget about it so why are you freaking out?" "Yeah Ava! That's it, me and harry celebrated it!"

She still wasn't getting it, "WE HAD SEX AVA!" she laughed at me, "But you and Harry have had sex before so why are you freaking out?" "BECAUSE I'M LATE!.. OK I'M LATE!! AND WE DIDN'T USE A CONDOM PER HIS REQUEST! That was his ONE wish! That we do it naturally the whole EVERYTHING .. ohh god. I knew it was a bad idea i told him, i told him it was a bad idea!" 

"Ok.. Ok .. Ok.. " she paused thinking a bit before speaking again, "Ok how about we just go get a pregnancy test and see what's actually going on and then we'll take it from there ok? We don't know you're pregnant yet, you could still be.. babyless?.." I thought about it nodding my head, "But wait, how are we going to do this? We both are dating someone from the very famous One Direction we just can't simply walk into a drug store and get the test"

We sat there thinking a little before a started crying, this was all so stressful. "You know what, we'll dress up and no one will know it's us. I promise." She wiped the tears coming down my cheeks and then she disguised me and honestly, i looked nothing like myself. She got ready and we headed to the drug store.

We got there and I grabbed about 3 boxes of the best test and then we paid but while we were walking out her phone rang, it was Niall, "Hey babe." she said simply, not trying to sound like something was wrong.. a few minutes later she spoke again, "Ok, i'll be there in 5" and she hung up, "I'm sorry Jaz i have to go but promise you'll keep me updated?" I smiled at her and nodded. 

I drove her to her and Niall's flat, took a deep breath and then drove off to my house. I walked into my flat, threw my keys on the table and ran to the bathroom. I had a plastic cup and peed in it, I got off the toilet and opened every single pregnancy test that i had bought and dropped them all in the cup and started crying, if i really was pregnant, where would this leave me and Harry? would he even want this? We're still pretty young what will this do to our relationship?

A text from Ava had broken me from my thoughts, 

"Just call him and tell him what's going on. Whether you're pregnant or not.. but i'm here for you through it all xx :)" 

I controled my crying and went to check the tests. I picked one up when my phone went off, it was a text.. from Harry.

"I'm sorry but i can't do this anymore, it's over."

As i read it the tears came back only coming down twice as hard, twice as fast and i dropped to my knees. How could this be? After 6 years, just like that he changes his mind? I dialed Ava's number, "Hello? Jaz? What's the news? Do you know yet?" I cried into the phone, "Did you tell him? Did you tell anyone!?" i asked almost yelling at her. She seemed shocked, "No jasmine.. i swear i haven't even told Niall. Why? What's going on?" I just hung up the phone and dialed Harry's number.

I stopped my crying and took a deep breath so he wouldn't know how much this destroyed me. The phone was ringing, someone picked up but before he spoke there was voices in the background and what almost sounded as arguing, "Hello?" his raspy accent answered and my heart dropped "How could you simply just text me like that!? How could you give up on us!? What happened to forever and always!? You lied Harry!.. you lied" i was bawling by now i didn't care what he thought of me the tears were out and i wanted him to know.

It was quiet on his line and when he spoke it was so quiet, "I ... uhh .. have to.. go" "No Harry wai-" the phone disconnected. And i was there, alone, sitting on my cold bathroom floor. If Harry was serious about this then fine, he didn't deserve to know about what was going on and then it hit me, i knew i had to grow up.  I had to do it for my one month old child growing in my stomach..

*Ok so this was what i was trying to get to. hope you liked it.(:

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