Chapter 38: Christofer Zayn Styles

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By now i was in the last week of my 8th month. Even though I wasn't due for a couple more weeks it was weird to think my baby could be out and in my arms any day now. Since Niall's been around again he's been taking Darcy and Tyler a lot more so me and Harry would have our alone time which was much needed. Even though I was getting more huge and emotional by the day he was still interested in getting his alone time with me. Which I loved so much about him, even if we weren't doing anything sexual he was content with just being with me. He had made me some breakfast in bed and then we watched a movie but about half way through it he passed out. So it was just me, laying there, listening to my curly head snore while he slept so peacefully. He barely ever got any sleep ever since that day we went to the hospital. He's up half the night making sure i'm fine and he rarely leaves the house without me because he's scared something will happen to me while he's gone.

I hate seeing him so stressed out and sleepless knowing it's all because of me. But finally seeing him sleep and just relax for a while really felt good. I tried not to move a lot as I got up so that I wouldn't wake him but when does that ever work out for me? He groaned sleepily before softly and roughly saying "Jaz?" I walked over to his side of the bed "Your voice sounds horrible" "Thanks" he softly laughed before it turned into a cough. "Are you sick?" I asked him and he shook his head. "No, No i'm fine.. but where are you going?" "I was going to go to the bathroom but.." I gently moved his curly locks out of his face and put my hand over his forehead noticing he was sweating and running a fever. Of course, leave it to Harry to be sick and take care of everyone else but himself. "Haz" I said a bit irritated "Just when were you going to tell me that you're sick?" He just shrugged his shoulders, "I'm fine. I don't even feel that bad really i'm already getting over it" I started to walk towards the door "Where are you going love? You're suppose to be laying down" "I'm just going down stairs really quick, don't leave that bed Styles" 

I went down stairs to get some medicine and make him some soup since he still hadn't fed himself. I heard him call out my name from the bedroom and i grabbed the soup and medicine and waddled up the stairs. "What is it Harry?" I said walking in with a tray of soup, tea and medicine. "You don't have to do all this, I'm fine, but you need to lay down" I walked over to him and made him sit up so I could put the tray over his legs so he can eat. "Shut up and eat your soup. You've been taking care me this whole time so now let me take care of you." He looked at me with an annoyed look. "Harry, you can't just ignore your sickness and you definitely can't just feed me and take care of me and not do the same for yourself" I thought about it and then realized something "When even was the last time you ate?" He just shrugged his shoulders again. "Exactly, you don't eat, you don't sleep, and now you're sick. Babe, this isn't good for you. I know you always put everyone else before yourself and I love that about you but sometimes it's just not good."

He just sat quiet eating his soup. "Now, are you going to let me take care of you or not?" He sighed and then nodded. "Good. Once you're finished you need to take your medicine and that'll probably make you want to sleep then when you wake up you can have a cold bath." He raised eyebrows at the last part. "Will you join?" He said with that very famous cheeky smile of his. "Trust me, I don't think you want me in there with you" I said walking away to the bathroom to handle my buisness. When I got out he was done so i walked over to grab the tray but I left his tea there for him before i walked away he grabbed my hand and i looked over at him. "Thank you love" He said with a gunuine smile and i kissed his cheek. "You're welcome. But you know what this means right?" He looked at me confused. "I can't be around you much cause this little guy" I said pointing to my huge belly walking out of the room before he could say anything.

Once I came back in I asked if he took the medicine and he turned over and through the covers over his head. I laughed at the sight of him acting like such a kid, "Nice haz real mature" "I'm not sick." I could barely even hear him because one, he was underneath the blankets and two, his voice was basically gone. "Why are you being so difficult? You're sick plain and simple. Do you not hear your voice? Are you not burning up?" He pushed the blankets off himself and sat himself up with his elbows supporting his body. "But if i'm sick then you can't be around me. You can't bathe with me, you can't lay with me, you kiss me, we can't do anything" He said with a frown and i chuckled "Aw babe, you're too cute. If you want, I'll lay down with you till you fall asleep but after that i'm going down sairs" He didn't say a word he just moved the blankets on my side out of the way and raised his eyebrows at me. I crawled into bed and he cuddled into me while I played with his curls. Not too long after that he was out cold. I covered him up and left the room quietly. I didn't really know what to do with myself actually  because the kids weren't there and the house was clean.

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