Chapter 21: No place like home

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I smiled at him, he looked so proud, just the look in his eyes was just so amazing. This reminded me about making my photo album, "Oh! Ava can you hand me my camera in my bag please?" She handed it to Niall who handed it to Harry who handed it to me. "Ok well first i need to take a picture of Niall holding Ty." and Niall smiled for the picture, "Ok now babe let me take a picture of you and Darss." He kissed her cheek and that was his picture with her, "Alright now switch with Niall so i can get a picture of you and Tyler."

They switched and i took the picture, "Now hold both of them for this one." he groaned, "How many would you like to take!?" i giggled a little, "Oh shut up it's for my photo album now come on" He took both our children in his arms and smiled very widely. 

"Ok now you get in the picture with me." He said and then handed me Darcy. "Here Niall take the picture." we smiled and took our picture, it was the first picture of us as a family.

"Alright, well then are you riding home with Harry and i'll go with Ava but i'm warnin' you, we'll be over later on tonight." Niall said and i smiled at him, "That's fine Niall you guys can come over later on, but i don't know how i'm getting home." I looked up at Harry when i said the last part almost as if i was asking him.

"Well of course i'm taking us home." He said as if it was a stupid question. "Alright then, i'll put them back in there car seats and take them out, oh but can you get my bags in the front seat please." "Your bags?" He asked confused handing me Tyler. "Yeah, the baby bags and my bag from the hospital."  I said while buckling Tyler in, "But why do you have your hospital bag?" he asked taking the bags from the front I paused, "Well because i just.. umm.. i ... kinda.. just left the hospital today."

I couldn't carry both of the car seats so he handed me the two baby bags, Ava carried the other bag, Niall grabbed darcy's car seat, and Harry grabbed Tyler's car seat. We all were walking to Harry's car when he spoke, "Wait.. so then you only just left the hospital today?" He asked a little worried. "Yes harry but it's fine, i feel fine." He buckled Tyler's car seat in and Niall had already buckled Darcy in. 

"No, i'm sure you're in pain right now, you've just had twins.. Sorry Niall but you cannot come over later mate, she has to rest she's just gotten out of the hospital." Niall looked a bit disappointed, "No. Harry really it's fine. Niall, Ava you guys can come over later for dinner yeah?" Harry was going to speak but i cut him off, "You guys are coming over later and that's final.. Now shall we go home so i can shower, i'm sure i don't smell to nice right now."

They all laughed and we said our goodbyes. Harry helped me into the car and ran around to his side, he got in and stuck his hand out. This brought tears to my eyes and a huge smile on my face, he wanted our hands to intertwine just as they always did when he drove. When i put my hand in his, it was a feeling so electrifying it sent chills all through my body, it was what i had been waiting to feel again, it was as if i was complete again.

He smiled at me, "I've missed your hand in mine you know.. driving gets lonely without your hand in mine.. actually.. everything feels lonely without you here." I smiled at him, "Well i'm here now.." He nodded his head and placed his soft lips on mine. It was like falling in love all over again. All the feelings, all the butterflies and all the chills .. it was all that i had been missing since he left.

He was driving a while before he paused and looked at me, "Where am i driving to? Where do you live now" i looked at him with a are-you-for-real-right-now face before i spoke, "Are you really asking me that right now? I haven't moved Harry.. I wanted our child to grow up in the house that was our home.. It was the first house we shared together, it was where it all happened,  it was the only thing i had left of you and it was full of happy memories, our happy memories and i wanted him to know the harry that i fell in love with." 

 He looked at me with a confused look again, "But.. we have two children and not just a boy so.. why are you talking like there's only one, Tyler." I could see he was a little concern about this, "Don't worry, I love Darss just as much as i love Ty but I wasn't expecting her, she was a surprise.. So when I found out I was pregnant, the whole time i thought it was only Tyler so at the time i was thinking of just me and him that's why I said it that way. But of course i love them both just the same." I seemed to be taking this all well, i figured he'd be a little overwhelmed which was totally fine with me.

"And this photo album that you're doing.. Am i in it?" He talked softly, he sounded a bit sad as if he already knew the answer, "Yes. Harry of course you're in it, like i said i wanted our child to love you as much i did even if you weren't around to show it." This was suppose to make him feel better but he seemed a bit more down.

"Look Harry, It's not your fault you didn't know that we were having a kid and i'm sure if you did you'd never have left so don't beat yourself up about it, if anything you saved yourself from my crazed hormones." I giggled a little to try to lift the mood, "I know but i'd much rather have dealt with your crazed hormones than sleep alone and live in silence all day."

"Aww babe. Well you are here now. And trust me, you'll make up for lost times.. Two babies are going to be a hand full so i'm gonna depend on you alot of the time." He smiled at me as we parked in our driveway, it felt so good to say that again.. our driveway i thought to myself. 

By now the babies had woken up but they weren't crying, they were just watching everything around them. We got them inside before anyone could see them and take pictures, we still hadn't even told the boys, or his family, or... management.

We walked inside and I already had a nursery but there was only one of everything, it was so stressful, there so much that i needed to get all over again and in girl. So instead of putting them to share the crib Harry decided he wanted to share our bed with them so he took them to our room. "So then, does this mean you're moving back in?" i asked him as i grabbed some clothes so that i could shower.

He came up behind me and embraced my body tightly as he softly spoke in my ear, "Only if you'll have me back." I smiled at him as i turned so that we were facing each other, "Well, I don't know.. I mean i've found someone else to share my life with" He looked at me a bit hurt and i spoke again, "Actually two people to share my life with so you're going to have to take it up with them but if you ask me, i don't think they'll be too hard to convince." I laughed a little while spoke only joking with him. "Speaking of them.. Where are our children and why are they alone right now!?" I said a little worriedly.

"They're fine love, they are still in their car seats in the room.. but if it makes you feel better i'll be by their sides the whole time you're in the shower." I chuckled a little before pecking his lips and heading to the shower.

-Harry's P.O.V-

When she pecked my lips, all i wanted to do so badly was to hold her in my arm and never let her go only so that we wouldn't spend another minute apart.

After i watched her walk to the shower, i walked to our room and picked Tyler up first then Darcy. I went to go lay on the bed with Tyler laying wrapped around my arm and Darss resting on my chest, it felt so good to be.. home ..and that's when it finally settled in.

I was a father. I had a family. I had children, not even just one but two. Then i started worrying about my schedule, touring and recording. What if i fail my children, what happens when they take their first steps and i miss it all because I was too busy with work.

I just don't want to be one of those dads who are too caught up in their work to spend time with their children. I want Darcy and Tyler to know that no matter what i will always be here for them, and all i want to do is protect them and show them how much i love them. 

I Don't want a day to go by that they don't know i love them. The same goes for Jasmine, i don't want her to wake up having to wonder if i'm coming back or where i am or that management controls our relationship. I want nothing but the best for her and our family.

I hadn't realized it, but i had been singing to them and when i looked down they were both sound a sleep. They looked so peaceful sleeping, I grabbed my phone and took a picture of us. I sent it to all the boys, my mum, Gemma, friends and other family not really clearly thinking it over and before i knew it it was too late, my phone was going off.

I was afraid it would wake the twins so i shut it off and continued singing to them. They were my world now and nothing else mattered..

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