Chapter 31: Fussy babies, Rude Interviewer and missing home..

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When I got off the phone with Harry i finished eating then cleaned up a bit before taking Darcy and Tyler to the bathroom to shower them. When i was done with them i pit them in the room with my bathroom door open in case they needed anything. Being a mother to twins, I was to very quick showers. It would only take me about 5-10 minutes. 

I got out, changed and when i was done at was about 9 which meant i still had another hour before Harry's interview so i took the twins to the store with me to go restock on diapers and cat food. Of course when we got to the store there were pauperizes so i kept darss and tyler close. While i was in the pet store i pumped into Jack, he was there with his puppy that had gotten that was only about 4 weeks.

"Oh Hi!" I said with a smile on my face when i saw him. "Hey where've you been? We need to go out for coffee to catch up sometime soon." He replied to me, him and i had gotten closer i definitely considered him one of my bestfriends. Harry was still weird about me and Jack being friends but what Harry didn't know was that Jack was gay and actually was in a serious relationship for about 2 years now. But what Harry didn't know wouldn't hurt him i kinda liked when he'd get jealous, it only met he'd pay me way more attention then he usually did. 

"Yeah, i'm free right now actually." "Where's Harry? You guys don't have any romantic plans?" By now the twins were totally in love with his puppy and playing with it but started pulling his ear, "Tyler No Don't do that! Darss let it go!.. I'm so sorry" I said the last part to him and he laughed, "Don't worry about they're only kids i understand.." "Thanks, a lot people actually get angry with Ty and Darss because they're a bit rough with their animal. And ermm.. sadly, no actually Harry's away on work right now" I felt my face drop when i talked about harry being gone, even though i was use to him being gone it didn't mean i missed him any less each time. "Well then how about that coffee.." We paid and then went to a coffee shop down the street, we sat and talked for awhile before i realized  i had lost track of time. I looked at my phone and realized i had about 5 minutes to get home. 

"I'm so sorry but i really have to go, harry's going to be doing an interview and is really nervous about it.. I promised him when ever i noticed he was getting nervous i'd text him so that he'd feel the text in his pocket and that everything was alright .. we do it all every time i'm not somewhere with him." Jack laughed at how cheesy me and Harry were but he thought it was cute and sent me on my way. I drove as fast as i could, parked very poorly in the driveway and got the twins out as fast as i could. I got Tyler out first, "Go run to the door" I told him pointing to the front door. Then i got Darcy out, i put her down still holding her hand as we nearly ran to the door. I left everything in the car, i was already a few minutes late i threw my keys and switched the TV on. The channel was already on so I sat and called for Tyler who was somewhere in the house, "Ty look it's daddy" I heard his little feet running towards me. 

They were to young to understand why their daddy was on the TV and why they couldn't be carried by him. I really had to work on telling them he was on TV because when i say looks it's daddy they always would look around the room for him. The show had started back thank god they were only just introducing them. Once Harry was on the screen Darcy's eyes lit up as she got off the couch and Tyler followed her to the TV where they had their hands on the screen just watching Harry. I took a picture of them and texted it to him then tweeted, "Watching the boys on TV Darss and Tyler saying hi to daddy, they miss him xxx .. @Harry_Styles you look really good though babe xxxx (;"  I put my phone down, "Darcy Anne Styles get off of Cas right now before he scratches you" I told Darcy talking about our cat, she always felt the need to be on top of him. "And Tyler don't put that in your mouth.. Give me it" I said putting my hand out to him. I took my eyes off of them for a few seconds and they were already getting themselves into trouble.

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