Chapter 23: Daddy's girl

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I quickly ran up stairs to see what had happened, but when i walked into the nursery i couldn't help but laugh. "What are you doing?" I asked chuckling at the sight of him squirming around. "He weed! He weed on me!" My laugh got a little more louder now, "Oh you think it's funny?" he said walking towards to me as i nodded still laughing, "Well then maybe you'd like a hug?" I backed away still laughing, "No Harry you better not i've just gotten out of the shower" He was still walking towards me but the door bell rang, "I'll get it! You put a diaper on our child" I said quickly but laughed as i said the last part.

I ran down stairs and peaked through our looking hole to see who it was. I opened the door very confusingly, "Hello Anne, wasn't expecting you today, how've you been?" I asked in the most polite way i could. She looked over at the bottles and heard some crying from up stairs, "How've i been!? Well, i've just found out today that i've got grandchildren.. And i didn't even know you were expecting!" 

I shut the door behind her as she walked in, "Where's Harry?" she asked in an icy tone. "He's umm up stairs with the twins.." I pointed as i told her but then looked down ashamed, "Anne i'm sorry no one told you.. but it's just me and harry had been seperated so i didn't want  it to seem as if i was using it as an excuse for him to take me back. And to be fair he didn't even know about them until today." She looked away without a word and went up stairs.

I stood down stairs i figured i'd let them have their space to talk about all of it but then i heard shouting. I walked up stairs very quietly so they wouldn't hear me, I stood at the door that was barely cracked open. "Are you even sure these are your children Harry!? Who knows what she's done without you here! I mean who hides something like this!? For all we know they could be just some one night stand mistakes of hers."

My heart dropped and my stomach tied in a knot. The tears filled my eyes and began streaming down, I didn't know what to think. But my mouth and body acted before my brain could.

I stormed into the room, "Look, Anne you can hate me all you want but i will not stand here and let you talk down on me in front of my children, I may have hid this from you but your son wasn't the easiest to find or contact! And how dare you come into my home and accuse me of sleeping around! Your son is the ONLY guy i've ever really loved and considering the fact that i was already a month pregnant when he left, I doubt i cheated I spent every second with him! And i know the exact date it happened ON HIS BIRTHDAY when he insisted on not using a condom! How can you sit there and tell me those kids don't look just like him!? I understand if you have your doubts about me but DO NOT call my children mistakes!"

I was crying harder now and i grabbed Tyler from Harry's arms and then went for Darcy. I put their sweaters on and packed their baby bags and strapped them into there car seats. "Jaz, where are you going love?" He shouted from the nursery. I passed by as i was walking down the stairs, "I'll be back later, call me when your lovely mother leaves." 

I buckled the twins in and called Ava but she didn't pick up so i called Niall, "Hello?" He answered, i sighed "Are you guys home? Can i come over?" He knew something was wrong, "Yes you can come, What's wrong? Oh but the lads are over, we were just talking about you, they really want to meet the twins." I smiled, "Nothing, it's fine don't worry about it but if they want to meet them then i'll be over in about 10 minutes"

He said ok and we hung up. I looked back at the twins, How could Anne say they were mistakes? They were my everything, so tiny and harmless, it wasn't their fault their father decided to be an idiot one night. And how could she question if they were Harry's!? of course they were his he was the only guy i've had sex with for the past few years. Man i love him he was incredible, i really hoped that he wouldn't hate me for speaking to his mother like that, I might have been too harsh.

I pulled up in front of Niall and Ava's house. I turned the car off and went to the back to get their bag full diapers and bottles, I called Niall to ask him if he could open the door because i was outside. Before i knew it i heard all the boys so excited, running out to hug me and see the babies. "My god.. they look just like harry" Louis said almost shocked, "They are so cute, can i pick this little one up?" Liam asked playing with Darss a bit making her giggle, "Yeah of course. She still hasn't met her uncle Liam yet." He grew a big smile and picked her up, "Hi cutie, i'm uncle liam and you look just like your daddy." She seemed really fond of him.

"Aye! Why is he holding Darcy? She js Uncle Niall's princess" Niall said walking out of his house and I laughed a little, "Oh no she is going to be so spoiled." i said chuckling a little. Zayn and Louis had Tyler, "Now i heard he has Niall's middle name.. Why is that!?" Louis said a bit sassy. "Calm down, trust me we will eventually have more children but Niall was there at the hospital so it only felt right." Zayn looked up from playing with Ty, "Where's Harry?" he asked, "Oh he's just um at home talking to his mother." i said simply and they all looked at each other.

"What?" i asked them, "Nothing, let's go inside yeah?" Niall said sweetly but i know they were hiding something. We all walked inside and i took all kinds of pictures of them with with the twins. We were there a good 2 hours before i realized i left my phone in the car, they were all too busy playing with the babies so i snuck out really quick to go get it. When i saw my phone there were a couple missed call a few text and a voicemail. They were all from Harry and right when i was going to call him back my phone started ringing,

"Hey Babe, i'm sorry i shouldn't have left and i was going to tell where i was but i left my phone i the car." I waited a fews seconds for his voice to speak into the phone, "No it's fine. My mum shouldn't have talked about you like that or our children. She left a few moments after you and i've been trying to reach you since." I knew that most have been hard for Harry because he was such a mama's boy. "We've been down Niall's all the boys are here because they wanted to meet our children so they've spent the past couple hours bonding with them."

"Well when are you coming home?.. I miss you guys.. Even if Tyler did wee on me" i laughed a little remember the incident. "Well i don't think the boys are quite ready to say goodbye to the twins so you're more than welcome to come by and join the family bonding" I said hopeful that'd he come. "Ok, but only because i know how important family bonding is for you." I smiled, "Yay! I was hoping you'd say yes, the moment just isn't the same without you." He chuckled a little at my excitement, "I love you" I got butterflies in my stomach at the sound of his words. ".. I love you too." There was silence for a moment.

"Ok well i better get back inside who knows what the boys are up to" i laughed a little, "Alright love, i'll be there in 15 minutes." He said before hanging up. I walked inside and saw how loved the twins were, these boys will always being their lives and i could tell they were absolutely in love them. They were such great uncles already and they didn't even mind changing a diaper or two. They were so helpful, so caring and so sweet about it all. So why couldn't Anne?

Harry got there a few minutes after and we all sat there talking about them and how the boys want to be apart of every little thing in there lives. They all said they weren't really mad about me not saying anything because it was a tough situation. They were all fighting over who each twins favorite was, "They both love you all so much i don't think they'll have a favorite." I said and they all told me i was full of it. "Ok, fine. You want to settle this? Simply put on one of your songs."

They were all confused, "How will that help?" Zayn asked and i explained it to them, "When they were in my stomach, I played your guys' songs all the time and they would kick on certain parts, trust me they know your guys' voices it's the only thing they really know." Harry smiled remembering how Darcy had reacted to his voice in the nursery. Ava put one of their songs on and they kicked and giggled for certain parts.

"Well there you have it, Darss is a daddy's girl and Ty loves all of you." Hary's smile grew wider he was so proud that she was a daddy's girl and i knew he'd spoil her rotten.

"No, no, no redo." Louis said and they all agreed, "OR you guys can wait until they get a bit older so that they have more time to actually pick a favorite." I said kindly. "Well there you have it. You'll all have to prove your love for them and in 6 months we'll do a redo." Harry said but this sounded so silly to me. 

We stood there for about another two hours before finally saying our goodbyes and heading back home. This would be the first time harry would sleep in bed with me again after 8 months apart and the first time the twins would sleep at home.

 **Sorry for any typos. Hope you enjoyed.(:

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