Chapter 24: New life of parenting..

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The car ride was pretty quiet other than the twins making some noises every now and then. They were actually really good babies, barely even cried. I didn't know if i should ask about what happened with his mother or just leave it alone.

He wasn't talking so i knew he was thinking, "What are you thinking about?" i asked him very bluntly. He looked over at me as if i'd broke him from his thoughts, "Oh umm nothing to worry about love." He said as if i were actually going to just leave it alone, "Is it ... about your mom?" I asked him but i sort of already knew the answer. "Umm.. yes but it's nothing.." I gave him a questionable look and spoke again, "Really Babe. Don't even worry about it."

We parked in front of our home, it was pretty late and dark so no one was around. I picked Tyler up out of his car seat and Harry took Darcy. We walked into our home and went straight up the stairs, "Where do you want to put them to bed?" He asked a bit in a whisper since darss was already falling asleep, "Well, i would say the bed but i kind of just want it to be me and you tonight. Plus they're still pretty small so they'll fit in the crib together for now."

"Alright love whatever you want." He replied with a smile and put darcy down. Tyler wasn't asleep yet so i decided to stay in the nursery rocking him until he'd fall asleep while harry went to take a shower. I already had my alone time with darcy so it was time to have a bit of alone time with Tyler.  

An hour had gone by but he still hadn't fallen asleep, Harry had come to check on me every few minutes until i finally insisted he go to bed.

I decided maybe Tyler was hungry so i walked down stairs quietly to go get a bottle out of the fridge and warmed it up. I walked back up stairs to the nursery and sat back down on the chair, "Ok, now maybe this is what you want." I tried to feed him but he only ate a little and then stopped. He wasn't crying so i knew nothing was wrong but he just wasn't going to bed. I sighed, "Come on Ty you might not be tired but mommy needs her sleep too." by now an other half hour had gone by.

So i decided to try changing his diaper, burping him, rocking, him .. nothing. I was all out of options until i looked over to the radio with my ipod already plugged into it. I turned it on softly as i played Hey Jude by the beatles, his eyes were getting heavier and heavier and finally he was alseep. This brought a smile to face as i remembered i'd play this song for them but only at night before i went to bed. 

I got up and placed him next to his sister who had been sleeping this whole time, boy was she just like her daddy he could sleep through anything. I left the music playing softly as background music with their little lamp on and walked to my room. I changed into some comfy pajamas and crawled into be exhausted, It was about 12 in the morning. I cuddled next to harry whom still hadn't changed his way of sleeping with no clothes on. I giggled a little to myself when i realized this and then laid there in silence as i drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of his heart beat and soft breathing. 

I was awaken about 3 hours later to the sound of Darcy crying. I was slowly pulling myself out of Harry's arms when he stopped me, "No love it's ok i'll go check on her it'll be quick i promise you stay in bed, you had a late night" his voice was a bit more raspy than usual because he had been sleeping. I didn't say a word i just rolled over letting him get up but i couldn't fall back to sleep without him next to me. So i just laid there waiting .. and waiting.. and waiting, finally i decided to go check on him. I walked into the nursery, she wasn't crying anymore and he wasn't even a wake anymore i chuckled to myself.

They were both passed out, Harry on the chair and Darcy with her head resting just on the crook of his neck. I decided not to move them but i couldn't sleep alone so i covered Darcy with her baby blanket then threw a big blanket over both of them and grabbed Tyler who was now awake but not crying. I walked back to the bed and cuddled with Tyler covering us both with a nice warm blanket. 

The next time i woke up was at six in the morning, Tyler was crying i knew he was hungry and need a diaper change so i picked him up and went down stairs for a bottle, He was a bit fussy so i decided to stay down stairs for a bit to feed him before going back to the room. I was sitting on the couch changing his diaper with his bottle in his mouth and he fell back to sleep. I was actually surprised i thought he'd be up for the rest of the day but i guess he needed a little more sleep so i headed back up stairs with him in my arms. I walked into the room and laid him down while i sat and watched a bit of TV. I had it extra low so that i wouldn't wake him or Harry and Darcy.

"Good morning love." Harry said walking into the room and walked over to his side of the bed, "What's this? Another man on my side of the bed?" He was joking and i laughed a bit, "Well what do you expect i had to cuddle with someone after you never came back last night." he laughed a little and then i spoke again, "I'm sorry Harold, but your spot has been taken in this bed." he pretended to fake cry, i couldn't help but laugh, "Alright fine you can have your spot back but no promises that the little man will let you though."

He laughed showing his dimples as I slowly moved Tyler closer to me so he could crawl into the bed. "Hey where's darss?" i asked turning my head to look at him, "Oh she's still asleep." I smiled, "You know.. she is so much like you already it blows my mind." He chuckled at my comment which caused Tyler to squirm a little. He opened his eyes and i picked him up and placed him on my chest while i continued to watch tv.

"You're going to make him a mama's boy you know" i laughed a little, "So.. what's wrong with that? That is the way you grew up isn't it?" I had forgotten that i'd just gotten in an arguement with his mother the day before so i changed the subject, "Besides, Darss is already a daddy's girl Mr. I'm just gonna go check on her really fast.." I spoke in a mocking tone and he smiled, "Are you jealous?" i laughed at his statement, "Oh yes harry i am jealous of our child.. 'cause that makes sense"  

"Well i'm not going to lie, i'm a bit jealous of Tyler right now" I looked over at him, "Why are you jealous of him?" I said chuckling a bit. "Well.. because. He's gotten all your attention, he's taking my spot in bed, and he's resting on what use to be my resting spot." I looked at him a bit shocked, "Harry you can't seriously be telling me you're jealous of our child?" I chuckled while i spoke.

"So what if i am?" he said a bit more serious almost in a pouty way. "Babe, he's a baby he can't really do much on his own. and he only slept on your spot because you never came back you stood with darss. and the reason why i haven't let you rest on my chest is one you haven't even asked and two if you lay your head on my chest it's going to hurt, my boobs are still sore and he's still light." He stood quiet for a bit just staring at the tv then i sighed, "Look babe, if you're feeling neglected i'm sorry, i will go put Tyler in his crib and maybe in a few weeks we can have Ava and Niall babysit them and we'll have a day all to our selves." 

He looked over at me and then kissed me softly, "That sounds amazing love.. but you don't have to put Tyler in the crib, he's already awake and i know it'll kill you." I smiled at him, "Damn, how'd i get so lucky.." He smirked and before he could speak the door bell rang a few times and Darcy woke up crying. 

"I'll get the door, you get Darcy" He said sweetly as he pecked my lips and walked off down stairs. I went into the nursery and put Tyler in the crib and Darcy on the changing table. I was changing her diaper when i noticed something, Darcy was breathing heavily and well i knew it was weird that her crying was low the doctors had told be it was probably just because she didn't get enough of what she needed since i wasn't eating for three. This worried me so i called the doctor, as the phone was ringing there was yelling coming from down stairs their was a girls voice and Harry's voice but i was more focused on Darcy's breathing it was scaring me more now it was as if she was forcing it out, almost as if she was struggling a bit..

*Ok guys sorry for any typos & hope you liked it(: I tried putting it up earlier than i usually do(: This was actually supposed to be up like two hours ago but i forgot to publish it haha my bad(x but uhh let me know what you think? I need some feedback(:

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