Chapter 20: Meeting Again

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As i sat there thinking of me and my child, i picked up my phone and called Ava back. "Hello?" she answered. "Ava i'm so sorry i didn't mean to hang up on you like that and i shouldn't have questioned you." "It's ok Jaz, Soo.. i want to know... do we have a mini you on the way?" 

I put my hand on my stomach and cried with a smile on my face, "Yes. And if i'm right, my baby is a month old already... But there's something you have to know, Harry.. broke up with me." "What!? What are you talking about!? That asshole! .. But he like practically worships you. I don't get it, is it because.. oh no is it because of the baby?" 

"No Ava, he sorta doesn't ..know. So please don't tell him or anyone." she was hesitant at first but then she agreed and i hung up. I called the doctor's office and made an appointment for tomorrow. I stood up, washed my face checked every single pregnancy test and they all said positive. I took a picture of the one that was in my hand, it was the first time i found out about my baby and wanted every single memory of being pregnant so that i can make a photo album. After i took a picture of all the sticks in the cup, I poured the pee in to the toilet and threw away all of the tests.

"If you're serious about this then know what you're giving up, remember you said if you hurt me one more time then we don't ever have to talk again. I just want you to know that's exactly what's going to happen. And trust me, you are giving up more than just me."

I pushed send and waited a few minutes hoping maybe he'd text back something about him making a mistake or anything really. I just so badly wanted to talk to him, i wanted him there with me, I wanted to feel his arms around me, I wanted him home. He never texted back, or called, he never even came back for his things, some people i'd never seen before came for them.

-8 months later-

It was now officially eight months since me and harry had even spoken. Apparently the boys wanted nothing to do with me either since none of them even spoke to me anymore, well other then Louis and Niall. They were basically my bestfriends, but they never came to see me and i was actually kind of happy about that part because that meant they didn't have to know i was pregnant.

Today was the day I was going to have my baby, it was November 2 and my water had already broken in the morning. It was nearly the afternoon and the only people here were Ava and Niall. He was the only one of the boys who knew, but he only just found out this morning when i called their house telling them i needed a ride. He immediately wanted to call Harry but i made him promise that he wouldn't. I really regretted this decision while i was pushing because i felt like this was something me and harry had planned on doing together, with him there holding my hand and talking me through it all.

By now i had pushed a baby out, he was a boy, very adorable baby boy he looked a bit like me and Harry both. The tears were streaming down my face, i couldn't tell what color his eyes were yet but the doctor immediately broke me from my thoughts, "Wait! there's another one! Keep pushing!" what is he talking about right now i thought i was only having one! "D-Doctor what do you m-mean another one!?" "JUST PUSH!" Ava and Niall yelled at the same time and my baby boy was taken from me to go get cleaned up.

I pushed and pushed .. and pushed and then she came out, my gorgeous little baby girl. She was perfect i swear she was a mini harry already, every single thing about her was harry. They went to clean her up as they brought my boy back to me, "So, do we have a name yet?" the nurse asked while handing me him. "Tyler James Styles. That way he has his uncle's middle name." I said looking up to smile at Niall. His cheeks got a little rosy, it was so cute. He was the one there for me so it only felt right, "Do want to hold him?" Niall and Ava thought about it but then niall said, "I think Harry should be the second to hold the children don't ya think?" and i let a tear come out and nodded "Are ya gonna tell him?" Niall asked and i stood quiet thinking to myself.

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