Chapter 37: Baby trouble

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I was standing there silently thinking of the present, my future and most importantly the past. As much as I didn't want to believe what Niall was saying I knew he was probably right. Harry mostly likely got drunk and slept with her but I was just hoping that maybe he just didn't remember so maybe he wasn't lying maybe he just couldn't remember what happened that day. Oh hell who am I kidding? He probably knew damn well what he was doing and I was doing exactly what Niall said I'd do, I was making excuses. "Niall! Get out of her face!" Harry shouted quickly snapping me out of my own thoughts. "Shut up Harry! I don't even want to look at you right now!" Niall snapped back, his face still red with anger. "Then why are you yelling at Jasmine!? Yell at me! Now you either get out of her face or get out of my house!" I looked at Harry then back at at Niall, my eyes full of tears falling and tears building. "Niall for gods sake! You're making her cry!" Louis said a bit like he was defending me. That was all it took for him to snap out of his his rage. He took a step toward me but I took a step back. "Jasmine.." He said softy "No Niall. Just stop. You're slut of a girlfriend is your problem not mine. And I don't want her around my house or my kids. Hell right now I'm not even sure I want you around my kids." My voice was full of anger. He had no right to yell in my face and definitely had no right to talk to me or Harry the way the way that he was.

I walked past him and just before I started to walk up the stairs I very sternly and angrily said, "I want you and your whore out of my house. Now." He turned around to look at me but I just walked up the stairs filling so angry at him. Partly because of what he had done and what he was saying but another part was mad at him for making me be mad at him. He was the closest friend I had and was there for through everything. He meant more to me than I can explain. I knew what I just told him probably just killed him because he loved coming around and seeing Darcy and Tyler but he just went to far this time. Harry was going to be my husband, me and him built a future together so could he think I was just going to up and go. And technically me and Harry weren't even together at the time.

Harry's P.O.V.

Once Jasmine walked up the stairs I lost it. Niall pushed me to far. Before I could even think about what I was going to do or say my hands balled up into fist and my right hand went swinging. Next thing I know Niall's on the floor with his hand on his eye. "Harry!" Louis yelled at me and put his hand out to stop me. "Get out of my house." I said staring right through Niall. He quickly got up and walked out without another word. I looked at my knuckles that were now a bit red from the punch but nothing to bad. Jasmine was my life. She meant everything to me. And to see Niall in her face and yell at her like that just drove me mad. I couldn't help myself I was just so angry with Niall.

Niall's P.O.V.

I don't know why I did it, why I yelled like that. But now look what I've gone and done. I've lost 4 of the closest people to me all because I made a wrong choice to yell at the girl who was pretty much my only bestfriend. I mean the boys were my bestfriends of course but Jasmine, she just cared more. She was always there to listen not matter what time of the day. Her and Harry always took care of me, made sure I always had a place to stay and food to eat. Their kids meant so much to because they are a part of my two my bestfriends. I loved spending my days with them because they were my family. I don't anyone had loved and taken care of me the way those two did, well apart from me mom of course. I knew Harry didn't do it or at least didn't mean any harm by it but I was just so worked up and angry. I deserved to be punched, hell I probably deserved a lot worst than that. The things I was saying were terrible and the way I was saying them. I walked down the street to the local pub and decided to get drunk. There was no way I would be able to look them both in the eye again.. I was too ashamed.

Jasmine's P.O.V.

Harry walked in and I stood up with my arms crossed "Did you do it?" I said bluntly before he said anything. He sighed and shut the door. "No love, I already told you I didn't.. I swear." I bit lip thinking very carefully about everything. "Look, I know I've done some things in the past but I've owned up to them. So if I did sleep with her why wouldn't I own up to that to?" He said which reassured me a little that maybe he wasn't lying. "But .. Why would Niall get so angry over something that wasn't true?" I asked him. "I think he was just so angry that he had to take it out on someone so he blamed me." He started to walk closer to me and I didn't stop him for some reason my lust for Harry had gotten more unbearable. I wanted him every second of the day and I had no clue why. "You have nothing to worry about.. me and her didn't do anything and we never will." I nodded my head as I stared at his lips waiting for them to get closer. Once they touched I wanted more. I pulled a away for second though just to ask if Louis and Eleanor had gone and he just nodded before reattaching our lips..

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