Chapter 15: For the first time

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*Soo before you read this one, its going to be mildly sexual and sorry it took so long(:*

"Ok Styles you have one chance.. don't screw it up.." i whispered the last part in his ear with a smile and his face lit up, he had a smile from ear to ear. He didn't speak, he simply placed his lips against mine. "So does this mean you'll be joining me in the shower?" his cheeky smile was back and before i even answered his hands were under my shirt lifting it over my head

Next came my pants and underwear, then all that was left was my bra. He slowly moved his hands up my sides before reaching my bra, sending shivers down my spine. He took it off and i giggled, "Well don't stare at me!" i could tell i was blushing, "Aw babe you are too cute my little virgin" we laughed as he grabbed my hand leading me to the shower. We got in but we didn't do anything other then wash each other and talk and there was some kissing.

When we finally got out i checked my phone as he was getting dressed. Not only were there text and calls from the boys but there was something that caught my eye, A fan tweeted me a link and i clicked it, it was a video of last night.

I quickly dialed the last boy who called, "Jasmine! Finally you call! What happened are you two alright? Did you see the video? Management isn't too happy about it.. They want to speak to you and Harry straight away!" "Umm Yes, we're fine. Yes i saw the video and oh no is it bad? Oh gosh they probably hate me right now. Oh my gosh Lou i'm freaking out now. Where do we go to meet them? Did you tell Harry already? What if they send me home? What if they make me .. you know... go away or something? Wha-" Louis cut me off, "Jaz, look babe nothings your fault, You need to calm down everythings going to be alright.." I was still really nervous and over thinking in my head again. Louis sighed into the phone, "Look just you and harry come over to Liam's room and we'll sort this out, and trust me the lads and i would never let management touch a hair on your head.. You're family now, you're not going anywhere."

I hung up the phone and Harry came in, "Who was that love?" I was freaking out, how was i going to tell harry? He was looking at me waiting for an answer, "Look.. there is a video.. of last night and management wants to talk to you and i and they're not so happy about it.." I watched his face drop and i got up, pecked his lips and intertwined our hands, "It's going to be fine i promise." he just nodded.

We walked just two doors down to Liam's room he opened the door and let us in, "Have you heard anything yet? How far are they right now?" I asked as Harry was still not talking and it was worrying me a bit, "They've just arrived." Paul said surprisingly in a worried voice. And before i knew it there was a knock on the door i looked around me as all the boys stood up and walked to me and Harry's side.

Management walked in and just sat a table that was there they gestured me and Harry to sit and we did, "You boys can leave now." they said simply in a stern voice, "No." Louis spoke in almost a sassy voice. Management looked up at him with an excuse-me? kind of look and then Niall spoke, "Yeah, with all respect, No. We're not goin' anywhere." Oh no what are they doing i thought to  myself and then just spoke, "Guys, stop. Just go before you get into trouble.. We'll be fine." but of course those boys didn't listen

"No Jasmine. You are apart of our family now and we only want to make sure nothing happens to you." Liam spoke so sweet almost as a protective father. "Yeah no offense but she isn't going anywhere and we're going to stay here to make sure of it." Zayn now spoke. It was too cute that they all were sticking up for me but the only one that still hadn't said anything was Harry.

"Well obviously the boys like you, but that doesn't change the fact that you are causing too much negative attention. Why are you even here right now? The boys are on tour WORKING the last thing they need is you distracting them and causing incidents like last night." By now the tears were forming in my eyes, those words hurt like hell. And the way their voices were getting louder it just scared me. "We clearly do not like you, we think you are too much of a bad influence on not just Harry but all the bo-" he was cut off, "Stop! Last night was not her fault! It was mine! It was my decision, and a very stupid one. How dare you sit there and tell her all of that! She is my girlfriend whether you like it or not! She is the best thing to ever happen to me and my career! And look what you've gone and done, you've made her cry you owe her an apology!!"

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