Chapter 10: Always & Forever

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"Don't go." his voice was almost a whisper as I was turned around to walk away, "She was there when i got off the plane while i was waiting for Gemma and we decided to sit down and talk... that's when the paps took pictures of us"

I was turned around now watching his lips as he spoke, all I wanted to do was press mine back onto his and just forget this day ever happened, "I told her that i didn't have feelings for her anymore, that i already had a girlfriend, one that can make a bad day instantly better, who can make me laugh even when i've felt like crap all day, she brings out a smile in me that no one else can, her face lights up the room, whose voice make me want to just listen for hours, eyes that electrify me.. one that i'm madly in love with .... you."

There were tears in my eyes but instead of talking i jumped right back into his arms and smashed our lips together. 

Things were getting heated when a security guard came in, "Hey! You two can't be in here! This is closed private property!" We pulled away from each other and he grabbed my hand with a cheeky smile pulling me with him past the security guard apologizing and running to his car.

We were laughing the whole way and once we got in the car we sat there for a few minutes catching our breath as his eyes stared deeply into mine, with a huge smile on his face showing off his cute dimples.

"How bout, i take you on a date?" his smile was still there on his face, "Sure. Where did you have in mind? Although i'm warning you, i'm not really dressed for anything too fancy" he chuckled a bit "That's perfect, how about, i drop you off at home so you can dress for something 'fancy' and i'll pick you back up in about an hour?" i was a bit curious as to what this cheeky boy was up to.

"Ok, but first you gotta tell me why you want to go out to somewhere fancy all of a sudden and why you're going to take an hour" i searched his face for a response, "Well you'll just have to wait and see." he started the engine and drove off, I was searching the stations trying to fine a good song

When i heard the beginning music to What Makes You Beautiful, I looked up at him as i put it louder  and began to sing at the top of my lungs with the window rolled down so i would occasionally get weird looks as we passed by people or had to stop at lights, he was watching me as he laughed a bit.

I looked at with a smile and said, "I don't know if you know this buuuutt my boyfriend sings this song, yup be jealous" i said popping the p. and giggled, "Wow your boyfriend must be a lucky guy, i bet hes like a sex god."  "Umm naahh he's alright but i don't know if i'd use the word sex god" i said in a teasing voice while laughing he was going to say something but i cut him off, "Shhhh! This is my favorite part!"

I changed my voice to sound just a little deeper while i sang Harry's part. He laughed at me and said, "I don't really sound that way do I?" I laughed along with him, "Nope, it's just my terrible singing not doing your amazingly sexy voice justice." He giggled a little as i complimented him, it was cute.

"Hey. Don't get any ideas now, I've got myself a girlfriend. And she's alright i guess" he spoke in the same teasingly way i did and we both started laughing. By now we were in front of my house, "Do i really have to wait a whole hour for you?" I was staring out the window of his car not wanting to leave his side. "Yes love, i've got to go do something before getting ready myself."

I groaned and sighed as i stepped out of the car, he pecked my lips and sent me on my way.

As i walked into my flat I heard him drive away. I walked up stairs to do my hair and make up before walking into my closet to find something to wear. I still didn't know how fancy to go so i decided to text him, 

"How fancy am i exactly suppose to go?'"

I sat in my walk in closet waiting for his reply, it only took a few seconds though,

"Wear the fanciest  casual that you've got. Xx :)"

"Gee thanks, that helps alot x."

I decided to go with my tight fitted little black dress with some cute black heels. My phone rang shortly after i zipped up my dress. 

"You're not ready yet are you?" he spoke in a way as if he knew i wasn't ready and was simply trying to prove he was right about me needing so much time. "Pfff yeah i am what are you talking about?" i spoke trying to play it cool, "Good. Because i'm outside waiting for for you." I hung up the phone quickly shoving my make up, phone and wallet into my purse and walked down stairs where i slipped my heels on and walked out.

He was standing there i few inches away from his car, He was wear i white button up shirt with a grey blazer on top and black skinny jeans with some black boots. He looked so handsome i just had to get my lips on his.

After i pulled away he smiled, "It's only been about an hour i know you couldn't miss me that much.. It's because i look great don't  i?" i giggled and rolled my eyes as he held the car door open for me and i sat inside. He was smiling as he walked around the car to get in on his side. He started the engine but before he drove off he laid his hand out signaling me to place mine in his and i didn't think twice. Our finger intertwined and he drove off, "So, where are you talking me Styles?"

He looked at me and said he was taking me to the ivy. i smiled and nodded as if a approved i knew if i even tried to fight him on it he would win it would've been pointless.

As we took our seats we ordered, it was pretty quiet but then as we finished we both looked at each smiling and began talking. We weren't really talking about anything really, we just talked about whatever popped into our minds. It got a bit chilly in there and he took of he blazer and threw it over my shoulders. He was so sweet and honestly, i think i love him.

"Oh wait. I forgot to take something out of the pocket." He reached for the pockect of his blazor and pulled out a little box. It had a cute little ribbon tied around it. "What's that?" I asked him almost wanting to just snatch it out of his hands. "It's a present... for you." he reached his hand out handing it to me. "Oh Harry, you really didn't have to." "I know.. I wanted to." i smiled at him this only made me fall more in love with him

"Go on, Open it" i undid the ribbon and opened the box. It was a necklace shaped as a heart, there was something engraved on it.

My little bird was written on the front and on the back was, I love you Always & Forever . I had tears in my eyes, "So you like it then?" I nodded my head, "Yes. Harry I love it... oh and i love you too." he smiled proudly as he put it on me, "I figured i'd put little bird on it because that's the song that reminds me of you, since it's your ringtone and it just reminds me of the first time i spoke to you do you remember?.... I fell in love instantly"

I pecked him on the lips as he wiped the tears off my cheeks, "Shall we get out of here then?" i said with a cheeky smile. I couldn't help myself, i wanted him then and there.

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