Chapter 3

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"Brian, Brian, Brian!" I whisper yell as I get off of the elevator and make my way to the security desk for lunch.

"Oh so now you choose to call me Brian?" He teasingly asks me.

I roll my eyes. "It's easier than repeating Mr. Selley three times. Anyway, I have something to tell you." I am slightly out of breath because I may or may not have been speed walking/running here to tell him this.

"Okay shoot." He encourages me.

I let out an exasperated sigh. "You have to promise not to tell anyone."

He gives me a look, almost questioning if I thought he was stupid, the same look I got from Mr. Styles.  "Morgan, who do you think I would tell?"

"I guess you're right." I think for a little bit. "Okay so it's either in my head or the CEO, Mr. Styles, flirted with me earlier."

He furrows his eyebrows at me. "What do you mean?"

"I mean I told him that I don't eat lunch with everyone, and he told me he only eats with executives and then he said he should eat lunch with me more often! Is that not flirting?"

He laughs his little old belly laugh, "Love, I think he may have been saying that he wants to have lunch with you. Maybe asking you on a date?" He suggests.  "I think that qualifies as flirting."

"No way. He is not asking me on a date. He's the CEO of a company and I'm an IT girl that works for him who he had no idea existed before today. No way." I deny forcefully.

He looks at me with his green eyes. "You'll never know unless you ask."

I laugh sarcastically at the old man in front of me. "As if I would make the first move. The only conversation we had was about computers. It wasn't even a real conversation.  It was him asking me questions about his computer. He definitely thinks I'm too dorky.  Plus, he's way out of my league. He is what you people say, fit? Have you seen his eyes?  They're so green I could die.  And oh my God his hair! It's so long and curly. Not only that but the way he dresses. So sharp." I obsess to Brian.

"Well Miss Stevens, it seems like someone has a crush on the boss man. What is this league bullshit? There are no such things as being in someone's league. If you like a person and they like you, what is wrong with it?"  He questions, brining up some good points.

I slap his arm lightly and jokingly. "I do not have a crush! I am just saying, I appreciate art and obviously he is one of the finer pieces. And I get what you're saying but him and I will never work."

He smiles at me, "Never say never, love. Like I said earlier today, put yourself out there. You need to stop hanging around my old ass and get to making some friends, regardless of your obvious crush on Mr. Styles."

I laugh with him, "Oh Mr. Selley, you know I wouldn't stop hanging out with you if you wanted me to. I love you too much."

Brian throws his arm around my shoulder, "I love you too Morgan, but you need to make friends your age."

I sigh in realization. "I guess you're right. Who can I make friends with here? Who is actually my age that I can befriend?"

"I have just the people. There's Miranda in accounting. She's a few years older, but she would definitely be a good friend. There is also Liam, you know him. Same age as Miranda and he would look out for you if you were ever out and about. Just befriend Liam and Miranda will come with it. That means you need to stop calling him Mr. Payne."

I let what he was saying sink in. "But isn't it unprofessional to be friends with your boss?"

"I don't see a problem with it. Especially Liam. He is very nice and genuine."

I nod my head. "I guess it can't hurt to make some friends."

Brian smiles in return to me accepting his proposal... finally.

He hands me half of his sandwich. "Here you go love, you need more than rabbit food."

The way he said 'love' was so different than how Mr. Styles said it. Brian says it as a grandfather figure, looking out for me but Mr. Styles just has a different tone with it.

I look at my salad and hand him back his sandwich. "I am very happy with my rabbit food." I mock his accent, making him laugh.

"You're going to eat half of that sandwich or my wife is going to kill me. She doesn't like that you only eat salad and microwave dinners."

MY jaw drops. "You talk to your wife about me?"

"I talk to my whole family about you. They would really like to meet you. You should come over for dinner one night. As I said earlier today, get a real meal in your body."

I roll my eyes. "Salad is just enough for me.  We already went over this in the morning. I don't need to be set up with your grandson." I half joke with him.

The rest of lunch we talk about trivial things such as television and music. He tells me about all of his time in the workforce and how it shaped his life into what it is today.

I go back to my desk after lunch to see a bright pink sticky note.

"Didn't see you at lunch. Hopefully you'll be there tomorrow. -H"

The note makes me smile, but then I realize this is my boss. I can't fraternize with him, I am far too moral for that.  I also realize that means he had to eat lunch with others besides the top executives, making me chuckle.  The image of the CEO sitting with anyone who wasn't in charge of a department was actually comical.

Liam walks back from lunch and sees the post it note. "What's that?"

I quickly think of a lie.  "Uh it seems that the printer in accounting is broken. I'll go fix that." I race out of the room with the post it note in hand.

Accounting. From what I remember that is where Brian said the girl Miranda would be. Maybe now I can start that friendship.

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