Chapter 28

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Brian's POV

I wake up Sunday morning next to my beautiful wife and slowly get out of bed to make her breakfast. My favorite part of the weekends is doing this. It's relaxing and I get to see a bright smile on Mary's face when she eventually gets out of bed.

The secret to getting her out of bed by the time the food is done is to start with bacon. The smell of it gets to our room and she is up very fast.

My morning goes on as it does every weekend morning. Mary and I eat breakfast and then we go and watch the news on the tele.

Around 1 in the afternoon, while I am getting ready to start making lunch for us, I get a phone call on the landline. I quickly get up and answer it, seeing that it is Harry on the other line. "Good afternoon, handsome." I answer.

"Uh hey grandpa, can you meet me for lunch please?"

I was shocked to say the least. He sounded upset, so I know I had to go, but he never usually calls me for things of this nature. Typically, he rarely talks to me outside of work.

"Of course, the café by you?"

"No," I can just picture Harry running his hand through his hair and shaking his head, "can we eat at that one restaurant over by you?"

I nod my head, forgetting he can't see me. "Yes, absolutely." I answer out loud, knowing the exact place he is talking about.

He hangs up the phone and I go sit back down on the couch next to Mary. She looks over at me with concern on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Harry just called. He wants to talk about something. My guess is Morgan."

"A sweet girl. When can we see her next?" Mary asks me and then continues, "I have not seen her in quite some time."

"I'm not sure, love, but I will tell her to come over for dinner soon when I see her at work tomorrow."

Mary leans over and gives me a kiss on the lips. "Thank you. Now go see what your lovely grandson has to talk about. And remember, let him speak."

This order makes me chuckle. Early into our marriage, Mary learned that I did not really let others speak, just gave advice without letting them finish. To this day, she does not let me live it down. I hum and give her another kiss before I get up and go get ready.

"It is funny," I call through the house, "when he wants something, he's suddenly only my grandson. Convenient."

I hear her laugh, my favorite sound since the day I met her and it makes my smile brighten. Quickly, I exit my house and make sure I'm on time to meet Harry. Even though the restaurant is closer to me, one of his biggest pet peeves, outside of work included, is people being late.

"Hey grandpa."

Looking up from my cup of water, my breath is taken away by the man in front of me. He looks like a right mess. Harry stands before me in grey sweat pants and a stained tee shirt. I can tell he just threw these clothes on and ran out of his house.

"What is going on? You look like you just got hit by a bus."

He rolls his eyes at my statement. "Thanks gramps, means a lot."

I chuckle at his on edge behavior. "Take a deep breath and tell me what you need to. I can tell that you are very stressed." I gesture to his outfit.

Harry takes a deep breath and his gaze goes to his hands. "Morgan and I got into a fight this morning."

In my head, I take a mental note that I was in fact right, this is about Morgan.

"She and I were having breakfast and she told me something that I did not want to hear. I got angry at her and said some stupid things." As I went to interject, I heard Mary's voice in my head telling me to let him talk. "I want to take it back; I didn't mean it. She was acting so weird this week and I got angry that she wouldn't talk to me about it but she can drop this huge bomb on me. When I got mad, she left. She was still acting weird when she left too."

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