Chapter 35

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Around 10, I wake up already nervous. Nervous for the ball, nervous to get ready, and most of all nervous to see Harry again. Since our last encounter was not so great, I'm nervous for today, especially because it's an event hosted by him.

After lying in bed for half an hour, I get out and start to make breakfast for the boys. Stephen immediately walks out as soon as he hears the first pan being moved. "Good morning, mom." He mumbles towards me.

"Good morning, bubs." I give him a quick kiss on his messy hair.

Niall comes out of his room as soon as the bacon becomes fragrant. He says good morning to me and starts a conversation with Stephen.

This is very domestic. Me making breakfast while my son and a man watch on in their own little world. I know Niall said he has a girl, but this has me thinking it wouldn't be so bad to be with him. Deep down, I know I only want Harry, but I can't help that my mind wanders.

By 12, I tell the boys I'm leaving for my appointment which is at 12:30. Niall hands me the keys to his car, but I decline, still not being able to drive over here and not wanting to anyway.

Hailing a cab, I climb in the backseat, tell the driver where I'm going and then I'm left to my own thoughts. Thoughts that consist of Harry and all of the things that can happen tonight. I go through the list of scenarios in my head. One, he's still mad and yells. Two, he's still mad but wants to talk. Three, he's not mad but doesn't want to see me again. Four, he's not mad but wants to be friends. Finally, the outcome that I want most, he's not mad and he wants to start off where we left off.

Harry admitted to me that he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend. The thought excites me more than I would like to admit. After Eric got me pregnant, left me and then came back and took Stephen from me, I never wanted to have a family, never wanted to have commitment. I was broken, but then I met Harry. He changed my mind and opened my heart again.

More thinking and more time goes by. Eventually the driver lets me out and I go into my appointment. The stylist, Maggie, and I spend a few minutes talking about what I should do with my hair. We talk about different buns and ponytails she can do because I told her how I usually wear my hair.

Finally, we agree on a half up, half down look with curls. It will be out of my face, still look incredible. Before she starts to wash my hair I stop her. I decide I want to dye my hair a bit darker. At the current moment it's light blonde, kind of a "sunflower" blonde as the stylist told me. After pointing out what I wanted, Maggie told me it was considered "toffee" blonde. It just means that it's more brown than blonde, but not super brown.

I did leave a lot of time for this appointment because I thought I might want to dye it. Thank God Maggie has patience because we spend two and a half hours on my hair. When she takes it out of the foils, I look in the mirror and I love it.

She quickly dries it and styles it. The time is now 3:30 which means she has about an hour to do my makeup before I have to leave.

The Christmas Ball starts at 6 which means the car will pick us up from Niall's at 5:30 and I still have to go home and get dressed.

We finish in time, and I am currently in the taxi home. I open my camera and take a few pictures of my makeup. It looks so good; Maggie did such a good job. It's been a long time since I have felt this incredible about how I look.

I walk into Niall's house to see Stephen running around with just his bowtie and underwear on, laughing his head off. Not long after, Niall also runs past me, chasing him while holding Stephen's pants in the air. I burst out laughing at the scene before me. It reminds me of when my brothers and I were younger. My mom and dad always had to chase them around to get dressed for whatever charity ball we had to go to that month.

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