Chapter 45

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I was correct. These past four months have been hell. Not only because I haven't seen Harry and we're talking a lot less than we used to, but school is kicking my ass. I'm so thankful to be surrounded by my family because Stephen is also becoming a handful and they help me take care of him while I'm swamped with school.

My grandma was admitted to the hospital for pneumonia which sucks, but she's making a speedy recovery. Harry is upset about that too because he can't find a break in work to come visit her. I told him he doesn't have to, but he insists because I visited Brian while he was in the hospital. No matter how many times I tell him it's different because I am friends with Brain and he hasn't met my grandma yet, he still pouts about it. They haven't met because all the times Harry has been to America, she has been away on vacation. That woman loves to travel.

Long story short, I'm very stressed and I have a final paper due in four hours. Harry is asleep on Facetime, it being 2am by him. I'm typing away on my computer, reading my notes and putting together cohesive sentences. The more of these stupid papers I write, the more I don't want to be a lawyer, and it's only the end of semester one. Once I submit this, I complete my first semester. I groan and lay back on my bed.

"What's wrong, darling?" Harry's groggy voice asks.

Immediately, I sit up and grab my phone, putting it on my face rather than my ceiling. "Nothing, I'm sorry to wake you. I'm almost done, but the final argument is stressing me out."

He hums, clearly still half asleep. I really do feel bad about waking him because he has also been stressed and busy with work. I'm not working for him anymore, but he still sometimes asks me to translate what his head cyber guy, John, tells him.

I take a quick glance at my phone and I see Harry looking at me. "Go back to bed, babe. You have a meeting tomorrow with John and you know you need sleep to somewhat understand what he's talking about." I joke with him.

"Mean." He pouts in his sleepy voice.

"I love you, now go back to sleep. I'll hang up if I have to."

"No." He pushes in a really cute voice that makes my heart beat a little faster.

Biting back a smile, I just nod my head and turn back to my paper. After a few minutes, I hear his breathing steady out and light snores coming from his end of the phone.

Finishing my final paper, I let out a sigh of relief. I re-read it, edit some things and then submit it. Thank God I finished and am actually happy with how it turned out.

Before laying down for the night, I go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I hear footsteps and begin to get nervous. I know the house is secured and it's most likely a member of my family, but I can't help the dropping feeling in my stomach.

"Did not expect to see you down here at this time." Greg comments.

I nod. "Yeah, I was just about to go to bed."

"Nice." There's an awkward silence. "Remember when you were little, you and I would sneak down here in the middle of the night and drink chocolate milk?"

A small smile comes to my face. "I do. I also remember you ratting me out for it." I reminisce with a playful tone.

"You were the one that got caught."

"I was six!" The mood is light-hearted for the first time in a while between us. "Of course, when my sixteen-year-old brother offers me chocolate milk at 11pm, I'm going to take it. You were just a bad influence." I say as we both laugh

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