Epilogue 1

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The picture is what I imagine Morgan's engagement ring looks like

8 years later

"Hey babe," I speak to Harry through the Bluetooth in my car. As much as I wish I still had my blue Mustang from when I was younger, it broke down a few years ago so I bought a new Audi, "I need your help bringing things in when I get home. Had to get more stuff than I thought."

"Of course, darling. Do I get anything for helping?" I could hear his smirk through the phone.

I chuckle, "If we have time. We do have quite a few kids." I remind him.

"Biggest cock blocks ever." He grumbles. "Can we leave them with your dad?"

Checking the rear-view mirror, I see the tiny baby sleeping in the car seat. He got dropped off at work today for someone to take him in for the time being. Since Harry and I are certified foster parents I decided I should take him home with me. I didn't warn Harry for fear he would say no. "I'm not sure about tonight. Maybe another time? I'll be home in a few minutes, we'll talk about it then."

I hang up the phone and put all my focus back on driving. Within ten minutes I'm punching in the code to our gate. We're still in the same house Harry bought me right before we were engaged. This is truly our home and I love it more every day.

Harry walks out of the house looking as sexy as ever. He has aged like fine wine and really doesn't look a day older than when I first met him, even though he's almost forty now. He comes and opens my door for me, holding out his hand for me to take.

I accept the physical affection because in a minute, he won't be too happy with me. "Can you please get the stuff out of the trunk? I'll get the back seat."

"Absolutely." He kisses me deeply before walking around the car.

Walking to the backseat, I lean in to unbuckle Franklin who is now awake. "Okay buddy. I know you're cute, but you really have to let that show or Harry won't be happy I brought you home." I whisper and then pick him up.

He sits nicely on my hip, being 11 months old and able to hold himself up. Once he's secure in my arms, I grab my briefcase.

"Morgan." Harry speaks from behind me.

"I can explain inside." I tell him. "Franklin needs to nap a bit more." On cue, Franklin yawns, burying his face in my neck and I can tell Harry softens.

We walk into the house and I go to our nursery to put Franklin down. He whines a little, not wanting me to leave, but eventually settles and closes his eyes. When I know he's asleep, I grab the monitor that I can clip to my pants and leave the room, going to the kitchen where I know Harry is.

He cooks dinner almost every night. I am incredibly lucky to have him as my husband and father to our children.

I walk up behind him while he's cooking something in the pan and wrap my arms around his waist, giving the space between his shoulder blades a kiss. "I love you." I mumble while my lips still rest on his shirt.

"I know, darling, but can we really take on another child? He doesn't even look like he's nine months old yet." Harry says taking the food off the burner, turning off and turning around in my arms to face me.

"He's eleven months, he's just small and his name is Franklin. His mom recently passed away due to cancer," a reason that hits close to home for me, "and we can't get in contact with his dad. As far as I am concerned, no matter how cute and lovable he is, he is with us temporarily." I reassure Harry. "We signed up as foster parents all those years ago for this. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but he really needed somewhere safe to go and I was the last one in the office for the day."

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