Chapter 38

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The next morning, I feel Harry and Stephen get out of the bed. Since I didn't sleep well last night, I decide to go back to sleep for a little bit. I'm confident that if Stephen is uncomfortable hanging out with just Harry, he would come and get me.

I wake up a second time to the smell of breakfast. Instead of guessing what they could have made me, I get out of bed and walk to the kitchen.

"Wow, if I knew I could have someone cooking me breakfast every morning, I would have come back earlier." I joke with Harry, my eyes searching for Stephen.

"He's watching cartoons in the living room." Harry says as he looks back down at the waffle maker. "You could stay for a while, you know? I have a few other bedrooms."

Chuckling, I grab two mugs down from the shelf they have always been on and start to use his Keurig to brew myself a hot chocolate and him another coffee. "As much as I love living here and working at your company, Stephen has school and my dad will be pissed if we don't head back today. I'm sorry."

Harry just shakes his head. "I understand. It's more than just you now; I'll get adjusted."

I smile at this because it means he's trying to make not just me a part of his life, but Stephen now too. Walking over, I grab his arm to get his attention. "Thank you. Harry, seriously, I appreciate all you have done for me for the past few years. I know you didn't know me when

I first started, but you pushed me to do better and be better. You had me open up to you when the only person I was a little open with was Brian, so thank you for that. It really made it easier for me to be open and myself with Stephen rather than shutting him away."

"You're welcome." He mumbles and places a quick kiss to my forehead, making me blush. "Now enough with the serious talk, where's the little guy? Breakfast is served!" He says the last part loudly so Stephen will hear.

Sure enough, we hear stomping of little feet getting closer until Stephen slides into the kitchen and struggles into a chair. He grabs his child's knife and waits for Harry to set a plate down in front of him.

Before Harry gets the plate down, Stephen begins to shove the waffle in his face. "Slow down! You'll choke!" I half-panic. I know he's old enough to know what size bites he should be taking, but he still makes me nervous.

"I didn't know you were this nervous of a person, Morgan." Harry raises his eyebrow at me in a teasing way.

"Only when it comes to people I love." Pausing before continuing. "Speaking of which, we have to leave after breakfast to see Brian one more time before heading out."

"Perfect, I'll bring you. I haven't been back since I saw you there." He hangs his head.

Through a mouthful of waffles, I can barely make out Stephen saying, "Thank you Uncle Harry. They're delicious."

Rolling my eyes, I opt to laugh with Stephen rather than scold him. My mom would roll over in her grave after hearing him talk with his mouth full like that, but it's okay because he's only five. I also would like to think my mom wouldn't scold her grandchildren for anything, Stephen would have her wrapped around his little finger before she knew it. These thoughts make me smile to myself.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" Harry brings me out of my thoughts.

I shake my head, "Just about how much my mom would have loved him." I look up and continue to watch my son shove even more freaking waffles down his throat. Just like his uncles, and his dad if I remember correctly, a bottomless pit.

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