Chapter 4

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Monday morning comes and I roll out of bed, not wanting to wake up for the day. I turn the shower on quickly followed by the "All Out 70s" playlist from Spotify. Elton John comes on and it actually wakes me up and puts me in a good mood.

I go through my morning routine of stopping at Starbucks to get a Strawberry Refresher, a black coffee and then walking to work. I say a quick hello to Brian because I am running later than normal. So many good songs were on in the shower and I just didn't want to get out.

When I finally make it to my desk after a long, boring elevator ride up with the head of the accounting department, I let out a long sigh. I can just tell it's going to be one of those days. I start going through all the requests Liam forwarded to me. Some people are having connectivity issues on their desktops and phones, some are just not sure how to print off certain pages of a document and then some are having hardware issues.  I wish Liam was here to 

Exactly at 10, a delivery person walks in with a bouquet of yellow daisies. The person asks for the department head, but Liam is out so I take them from him. I don't know why someone is sending Liam flowers, but I am nosy so I look at the card.

"To make your office a little more beautiful."

Aw that's cute, Liam is getting flowers from someone. Kind of depressing because I'm not, but that's what I get for not making friends.

I pull out my phone to text Liam, he might want to know that he is getting flowers, even on his day off.

Me: Hey boss man, someone
sent you flowers with this note.

Me: 2 Images Attached

I continue on with the day and go help the people who put in requests to Liam and I. So far, the day has been stress free, but it is only 11am.

Around 11:30, I get a call from Mr. Styles' secretary. "Hi Morgan, Mr. Styles needs help. He's saying that he clicked on a link in an email and thinks it did something to the computer."

"Shit!" I curse. "Tell him to unplug the ethernet cable." I quickly realize he might not know which one that is so I add, "The blue one. I'll be up in a minute." I grab my laptop and race up the stairs to his office.

I burst in and quickly push him, in his swivel chair to the side. He rolls to the side of his desk rather gracefully and I get to work right away.

"Good afternoon to you too Miss Stevens." He says sarcastically.

I groan in frustration. "I told you on Friday not to click any links in your emails unless you knew they were legitimate. Now," I pause after scolding him. "your bank is probably going to call and you need to decline the transaction this person is going to try to make." Before I do anything else, I realize the ethernet cable is still plugged in. "I told you to unplug this! Ugh they could be on the company's network right now!" I get more and more frustrated.

"I didn't click any links." He speaks after I have been click every possible application I could look in to see if there is a virus.

I stop what I'm doing and turn around. "You what?"

He shrugs. "I didn't click any links. I figured, if I said I had an urgent technical problem around lunch time, you would go to lunch with me."

I raised my eyebrows at him in shock. "Why would I go to lunch with you? Especially after you just sent me into a panic?"

He sighs and scratches the back of his neck. "I guess you're right. I figured that maybe after you got the flowers, you would want to talk to me or even just thank me. I planned that when you came up to talk to me about the flowers, I would ask if you wanted to get lunch. You never came to talk or ask about the flowers, so I needed something better?" He says as a question.

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