Chapter 20

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Waking up, I roll over on my side with a light groan. Not too bad of a headache, thank God. I get up and walk to the bathroom. Something on the kitchen counter catches my eye. I go over to the pile of goodies that I definitely did not have the day before.

I hope you are not too hungover this morning, darling. I do not want you sick for our date tonight. Remember, you have to wear a dress AND act proper tonight. Before you text me to protest, that is your side of the bet darling. I look forward to seeing you tonight. -H

I set my phone down after finishing the note. I have to admit that this is super cute. He left me a little care package. It has Advil, energy drinks, tea bags, chips, granola bars and some mouthwash.  I take a picture of the items.

Me: (Image Attached)
My knight in shining
armor! Thank you for 
the care package and
getting me in bed
last night.

I smile at my phone and put it back in my room while I go take my morning shower. I hear my phone buzz when I get out, but it can wait. My hair has to be done nicely for tonight and I know if I don't blow dry it now, I won't straighten it later and it will look like a bird tried to lay her eggs in it. After blow drying it, I decide that I might just have to straighten it after all, but I decide to go find my phone.

I see a text from Harry but before I open that, I notice a missed call. No one calls me unless they're in trouble or they're my grandmother. I see "Charlie" with the missed call logo next to it. My heart practically skips a beat and I lose my breath. What could he possibly want? It's not my birthday for three more days and even then, he never calls, ever. I get an unsettling feeling in my stomach, but choose to ignore it for now. If he actually wants something he'll call again. He probably accidentally hit my contact when contemplating deleting it.

Harry: Get you in bed?
Seems I've done that 
more than a few times
now, love ;)

Harry: And you happened
to tell my sister about it
last night if I remember

My jaw drops. Holy shit! I laugh at the first message but turn bright red at the second. I totally forgot that I ever said anything to Gemma about Harry and I. I am so embarrassed words can't even begin to describe my feeling. Safe to say I will never live that down, especially since Harry knows.

"Hey Miranda!" I greet the person I decide to call.

"How was Brian's family thing?" She asks with a yawn.

I look at the time and realize she has probably just woken up. She sleeps late on Sunday's because she goes out Saturday nights.

I smile thinking back to it. "It was actually a lot of fun! I don't sing but we did have a good time and his family is amazing. I shouldn't have been as scared as I was."

"As I and everyone else was telling you! You do need to go out more and experience things, I've been telling you this." She scolds through the phone.

"Yeah yeah." I brush her off. "Now that you're up-"

"Thanks to you."

I chuckle but continue. "Do you think you could come shopping with me? I need to buy a dress."

She scoffs on the other line. "You don't own a dress?"

"Uh no I do not. If you don't want to come that's fine, I just want someone else's opinion-"

"I would love to!" She squeals into the phone. "Oh my god Morgan how can you not have a dress?! How you are 22 and you don't own a dress baffles me babe, but we'll get you one. A hot one!"

After thanking her and making the plans, I decide it's time to get dressed and do the first straightening of my hair. I need to do two because my hair is thick and doesn't like to stay curled. I put on my favorite black jeans, tye-dye Grateful Dead shirt and sneakers. I hate shopping so I might as well be comfortable when I go. I really want to wear sweats but Miranda would have a heart attack if I showed up to the stores with sweats on so I compromise with comfy jeans.

When we meet at the stores I feel very intimidated. I feel like I'm not going to like anything I'm forced into by my friend.

Hours later I look at my phone and realize it's already 5pm. Harry had texted me to tell me that he was picking me up at 7 so I have to get going ASAP.

"Miranda, I have to find something and settle at this point. I have to get home and start getting ready."

"Morgan, I already told you, you look amazing in any of the dresses you tried on but you just don't believe me."

I give her a look that more or less says 'stop fucking around and help me.'

She lets out a sigh. "From what you're telling me, even though very vague which I resent you about, you need a long dress, not a short one. Also it can't be too slutty but we don't want it to be too conservative. It is a date after all." She walks over to the rack we have reserved for us. "This takes out at least three fourths of the dresses." She grabs an armful and puts them on another rack.

I am left with three to choose from. God I hate this. I've always hated shopping and anything "girly." And I know a lot of girls say that, I enjoy dressing up and looking good, I just hate the work that goes into getting to that point.

"Personally, I love this one." She pulls a pink one from the rack.

"Do you have this in another color?" I ask the attendant.

Miranda gives me a look. "I like the dress but I'm not crazy about the color."

The worker comes back with the same dress but in a darker blue. My face breaks out into a smile. This is it. I love it!

I look at Miranda and she also has a huge smile. "Let's buy it and get you ready!"

Rushing back to my apartment, Miranda and I get ready to go as fast as humanly possible. I want her help, I also don't want her to see that it is Harry that I am going on this fancy date with. It scares me to think of what she or anyone from the company would say if they knew.

I finished straightening my hair and she finished my makeup so I go to put my dress on. "Hey Miranda," I call from my closet, "you can head out! Thank you so much for your help but I took your day away and I am so sorry! Hopefully you have time left to do something you wanted to do before I bombarded you!"

"Oh doll don't worry! I will go because I know you don't want me to know who is picking you up. I just want to see you all ready before I leave!" She obviously understood what I tried not to say.

I walk out, happy to oblige her.

Her jaw drops when she sees me. "Morgan! You look amazing! Whoever this guy is, better appreciate what he has. Holy shit! Smile!" She yells as she points her phone in my direction to take a picture. "I need evidence that you actually wore a dress. No one will believe me!" She giggles and says goodbye before leaving.

I let out a huge sigh before sitting on my couch. Oh my God. Harry is going to be here soon. Is my house clean enough for him? Not that I expect him to come up, but what if he does? I'm not ready. The last date I went on was with Tyler and that didn't really end well.

Tearing me from my thoughts is a knock on my door.

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