Chapter 34

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Gemma let me know that it would be best to go shopping at noon, since Brian takes a nap around that time.

Niall decided to take today and tomorrow off which I'm grateful for because he offered to watch Stephen while I went shopping. It's for the best because I know he would hate to do that with the ladies. Niall also called Louis and got him to leave work so they could have a boys' day.

Conveniently, Niall had a tape measure in his house so I could take Stephen's measurements and he wouldn't have to step foot in a store.

Louis showed up and we told Stephen about the boys' day over breakfast. He was very excited which was cute to see. They refused to tell me their plan, but promised that my son would be safe. At this point I had no choice but to trust them, so I did.

Before I left, Niall pulled me aside. "Here," he hands me his credit card, "take it, buy whatever dress you want. Don't worry about the price."

I give him a dry laugh, "You're crazy if you think I'm taking that. No way in hell. I can pay for my dress and my son's tux myself."

"Please, Morgan, I'm forcing you to come with me, it's the least I can do."

Shaking my head, I hand back his car that he shoved into my hand. "I am staying at your house for almost a week, I don't need this, but thank you so much."

Both of us go back to the kitchen and see Louis fake wrestling Stephen over the last sausage link. While those two are tangled up, I walk over and eat it myself causing Niall to let out a loud laugh.

I got picked up at noon to go shopping. Mary and Anne left the front seat open for me, not that it matters where I sit.

"What are you thinking?" Gemma starts the conversation

"What do you mean?"

She rolls her eyes. "For your dress? Color? Style? Sleeve length?"

I bite my lip because I haven't thought of it. "Um I'm not too sure. I just thought I'd see something and know that was the dress, you know?"

Mary and Anne groan in the backseat. "Morgan, you have to at least have a picture of something in your mind." Mary says.

"Well I know it has to be long. I would also prefer it not to be too form fitting, but I'm not sure about that. Would a dark green or red be too tacky during Christmas time?"

It looks like Gemma, her mom and grandmother are thinking about it for a while. "Typically, I would say yes, but since Harry sticks to a red, gold and white theme, dark green might be okay."

I nod my head taking in the information, just getting more nervous about the dress. I'm hoping to find one in my size that looks nice on me. Too much to hope for, honestly. Maybe I'm just being a pessimist.

We all get out of the car and walk into the store. As soon as we get past the doors, we're greeted by two women, around 35, a little older than Gemma. They usher us to the racks with my size and length specification.

Despite me needing a bigger size than considered average, there are at least a hundred dresses that are on this rack. I start to feel myself get overwhelmed, but suck it up and start going through them. Looking through all the different colors, I pick out two that I like and place them over my arm. Within thirty seconds, one of the workers takes it and brings it to a dressing room.

Gemma, Anne and Mary have been handing the consultants dresses for 30 minutes now which means there are many more dresses than I picked out in the changing room.

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