Chapter 16

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A month has passed since Niall and I talked in his office. Harry and I are still going strong. Well, as strong as fuck buddies can be. We end up sleeping together most nights, but rarely sleeping over the other's house.

I am still talking to Tyler, but we don't go out that much, I just say that we're only friends because he hasn't made any romantic moves on me since we kissed that once. Not that I'm complaining. I would feel guilty about still sleeping with Harry while Tyler and I were a couple.  Actually, I wouldn't be sleeping with Harry if Tyler was my boyfriend.

It's a Friday night and Miranda has decided that we will go out to a bar or a club. My choice would be a bar, but her's would be a club. I have to be very, very drunk in order for me to dance at a club. People are so close to you and most dancing is grinding and I don't do that. At least I try not to.

"So how's the fuck buddy thing going? Am I finally going to meet him tonight?" She bombards me with questions while we sit in my tiny kitchen sipping white wine.

I silently curse myself for telling her anything about the arrangement. She doesn't know it's Harry, and I plan to keep it that way. Miranda always bugs me about the fuck buddy because she wants to meet whoever it is terribly. "It's going really well, but I think he has other plans tonight. We don't really talk too much." Yet another lie to tell my closest friend. Harry and I speak constantly. I guess rather than fuck buddies, it's a friends with benefits relationsip we have going on.

I have been lying to her and Brian for weeks. Brian thinks that the guy that I've been with is Tyler. I only told him that because he could tell my moods had been brightened. The only person who knows the truth is Niall and that is entirely my fault. I feel bad because I haven't told Harry that he knows and I hope that Niall doesn't tell him either.

"You're no fun! I want to meet this guy who you keep talking about. Seriously, you never shut up about him, I feel like I know him personally."

My cheeks heat up and I look at my toes as if they're the most interesting thing in the world. I think it's best if I change the subject. "Well I invited Liam and Niall so they'll be there. It should be nice to see Niall out of work." I let out a giggle along with Miranda. "He's hilarious in a serious setting so I can only imagine a laid back one."

"Yay! Liam is so hot, maybe we'll hookup."

I laugh at her response. Of course she would want to hook up with him. Not that I'm judging because I'm hooking up with the CEO of the company we all work for. I'm glad she's getting out there. From what she has told me, she has never really had anyone in her life. Maybe Liam will be her first real relationship. Then again, maybe not. He's not really a dating type person.

Suddenly I get a text on my phone.

Niall: hey babe, we're
almost to your apartment !

I smile brightly and tell Miranda. She tells me that she doesn't have enough time to get ready for her night out to which I respond she had all day. Miranda came over around two, after we had gone to lunch. It is now 10:30 and she's still not ready. Now I understand why guys get so mad at us for this.

Sooner than expected, Niall and Liam show up. They come in with expensive alcohol and insist we take shots. We end up each taking three shots. I know that I'm going to be fucked up by the end of the night because these boys can drink!

"We're going to the club that is only for elites. Since you're with us, you can get in."

I roll my eyes in a joking way. "Always so pompous, Horan. Finding a way to flaunt your money in front of women." I tease him.

He laughs while shaking the hair on my head, "Only to impress you, darling."

I push his arm off while laughing. I look to the corner of the room and see Liam and Miranda flirting. I motion my eyes to them for Niall to look. "Damn everyone but me is gonna get some action tonight." He yells towards them.

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