Mystery Flower

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???? POV

The castle was being invaded by a mob of assassins. I was looking for my child while trying not to get caught. I ran into a room to see my husband holding our son in his arms tight. I looked closer and saw a black hooded man in front of him

" ALEXANDER!" I yelled. I was scared. I saw him turn around to see me in shock. He walked backwards careful to not stopping looking at the hooded man. He carefully handed me Alcor. I held him tight

" Dear please i need you to run away quickly. Run away from the castle as far as you can. Keep care of Alcor for him and for us please" He said quickly. I felt warm tears fall down my face

" What about you" i said scared

" The three of us cant leave. Ill stay behind. Ill watch over the two of you i promise. Now please run quickly. Don't get caught" He said sternly but kindly. I didn't want to leave him

" I love you" I said

" I love you too. The both of you" He said. I didn't need to see his face to know that he was in tears. I turned around and ran out the castle quickly. As i left the castle i took my horse and left the castle. I left the love of my life inside and i regret it every second as i left

Never turn around

I told myself. I made it to the town and hid in the shadows. I found a basket behind one of the buildings. I grabbed it and cleaned it the best i could. I looked for a piece of paper and something to write on. I found them and started writing

My choice isn't the best but it was the only option i had at the moment. I got on my horse and entered the forest. A few minutes passed and i found a small cabin in the woods. I hid my horse in the thick trees. I walked up to the cabin. I placed the basket down and hugged Alcor

" Im sorry im leaving you. I don't want to but its for the best. Your father will look after you even when you don't realize it. I promise when our situation gets better i wont stop to find you even if it takes my whole life just to see your smile again. Im sorry Alcor

See you later. Way later" I said crying. I hugged him tight and kissed his forehead where his birthmark was. i placed him down in the basket and placed the note next to it. I knocked on the door and ran into the thick forest

I watched carefully hoping someone was home and willing to take him in. I stayed hiding as i watched him

Soon the door opened. I saw a young man look around. He looked scared. Soon he looked down. I saw him look at Alcor in shock. I saw him pick him up carefully and soon he found the note. I saw him read it and looked around. I saw him smiled and closed the door taking Alcor with him

I smiled but i was crying. I didn't want to leave my baby but i needed to. For his safety. I got on my horse and ran deeper in the forest

~~Huge Time Skip~~~

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~

I was riding my horse into town. Gravity Falls sure is full of mysteries. As i made my way into town a group of girls crowed me. They screamed my name and asked for autographs

I cant go one day without getting mobbed

Don't get me wrong i love the attention and all put it gets annoying after a while. I asked politly to be left alone. They all were sad but left me be.

Thank the lord

i walked around for a while before i heard something interesting

" Tell us the story!" A little kid asked an older man

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