Closer Look

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Blue's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood there completely lost

" Blue? Are you ok?" She said confused before giggling

" Uhhhh. OH umm well Wolf was wondering if you could help us out in finding Dipper?" I said slowly calming down. She looked at me confused before smiling

" Sure! but why me?" She said confused

" I mean I don't know ask Wolf. She promised she wasn't gonna put you in harm. She just wants you to keep watch" I said calmly. She thought about it before agreeing. I nodded and left the kitchen. She followed closed behind as we made our way over to Wolf

" Hey she said yes" I said calmly as I closed the door behind her

" Oh great. Well then I think I got everyone so lets get going to the crime scene" She said calmly getting up and leaving. All of us following behind

I walked behind everyone

She really got the whole gang back together for this. Huh

Wolf was the leader followed by T.J who held hands with Jay. Behind them was Ty and Tyler. Ty was clearly annoying Tyler. Then it was me and Red. Her red eyes keeping a close eye around everyone around us

I couldn't help but smile as I looked over at her

" what?" She said giggling after

" nothing" I whispered. She shrugged and continue keeping watch around us

~~time skip~~~

We looked around the crash for any clues. We looked around the cars before anyone came by to remove them

" Hey guys I think I found something" Ty said poking his head above the men's car. We all gathered around

" What's that?" T.J said confused

" Some initials on a glass cup and paperwork. I couldn't find anything else I just thought it was important" Ty said calmly

" That's alright mate we should look at the paper work more carefully" Wolf said calmly taking the paper work

" Hey Red wanna join us for now" I said calmly calling Red over who had stayed on watch near the dirt road

" oh sure I guess" She said calmly walking over to the group

" No. way" Red said in shocked. She had grabbed the glass cup with the initial. She brushed the initials with her thumbs

" What is it?" A few of us said in union

" this..... this cup..... I- its..... from the gleeful kingdom" She said looking at the cup in horror

" What? How do you know that?" I said confused. We all watched her breath in deeply before she started explaining

" I- I used to work at that kingdom. But I got sick of Gideon and the way he treated the female workers there so I left. It wasn't the only thing that drove me out of there. His tactic of getting a queen by his side. The last time I stepped foot in that castle he had a wife who killed herself because of how depressed she was with him. After all he forced her to be there... An old friend of mine, she was so closed with that woman that she told her final words to her. She trusted me to keep the promise she made with here and I did before I decided to leave. I could get in contact with her to see if she still works there.... She wasn't a fan of the way Gideon treated his wives so she'll be on our side" Red said calmly. We all looked at her in shock and fear

" Alright then. Find a way to get in contact with her and report back about it. For now we'll think of plan B, just incase" Wolf said calmly. We all nodded in agreement and headed back to the castle

Bills POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I continued to pace around my room ready to punch my wall once again. I changed out of my wedding attire once I came back. Will joined me in my room trying to calm me down but I just couldn't. Not while I knew someone stole pinetree

" Bill seriously stop pacing around your going to punch the wall again" Will said quietly

" I cant. I need to think of something to get pinetree back" I argued

" Well you're not going to find him without knowing who took him. I- I know its none of my business but I heard Wolf get the gang back together to go look for Dipper. Maybe we could help them?" Will said looking determined. I looked at him with little hope

" Maybe... but those idiots were supposed to wait for Father to give out orders" I said annoyed. Will rolled his eyes at me

" You say it like you listen to Father all the time" He said laughing after. I punched his arm before laughing to

" Ok I get it im not a good son unlike you" I said smiling as I sat down next to him

" Who said I was a good son?" He said still smiling

" UH the ENTIRE KINGDOM" I yelled. He laughed and I joined him

" Ok maybe I am a good child but we should focus on asking the gang about what we could help them with" He said calmly getting up lending me a hand. I rolled my eyes but took the kind gesture. He pulled me up and we walked out the room to look for the gang of idiots

I hope they can help

Maybe know at least where he could have gone

I promise pinetree I wont stop to look for you


That's the end of this chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed. Im sorry for the lack of posting but I kind of lost interest in this story. But don't worry I will finish it with a good ending. After thinking about it for a while I have an idea on how to end this story but that wont be until a few chapter later. Anyways ill see you guys next chapter!


Also I realized I never put how the characters look so if you guys want me to explain how they all look just comment. Otherwise I wont waste time :/

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