The Ball Pt.1

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Dippers POV~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and the girls started talking about my outfit. They told me a little part of Bills plan. they said he wanted to hang out with me more during this whole ball thing rather than the other girls who would be there. But since he was only allowed to talk to girls mostly he wanted me to dress up like one just to hang out with me more. I thought it was sweet I just didn't like the thought of being dressed up like a girl

Blue and Wolf lead me to a room. Inside this room was a whole set up. They said they would help me put the dress on and help with my hair and etcetera

" Im sorry that you have to go through with this mate" Wolf said sadly. I smiled at her

" Its fine. although would you explain to me what im supposed to do at this ball thing" I said a little ashamed I didn't know what was going on at this place

Both gave me confused looks. Blue smiled wide and was full of energy

" Its this awesome party. You dance around and have fun. Since youre a guest you get to have some food the servants pass out. You should be excited. Plus you get to dance in the Ciphers ballroom just entering that place is a blessing so don't make yourself look like a fool there" Blue said excitedly before getting serious. I nodded showing understanding

" Umm well then could I ask another question" I said embarrassed. I hate that I never got to read about these kinds of things since they turn out to be useful

" Sure dear" Wolf said

" could you guys show me how to dance properly" I said quietly. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment.

I heard one of them start laughing out loud. I looked up and saw Wolf glaring at Blue and hitting her on the shoulder

" Stop it Blue this isn't funny" She said sternly

" Aw come on its a little funny" Blue said dying down on her laughter

" Of course we can mate. But first let us help you put on the dress since it will be a little different wearing it" Wolf said kindly. I smiled and nodded

Wolf and Blue were telling me what to do. They said I hade to put on a corset or something like that on first. They said they would tighten it from the back. I stood in silence as Blue fixed the ribbon from the back. She warned me and told me if it was too tight

She warned me that she was gonna tighten it and I said ok. I never knew how important it was to breath until this moment. I needed air more now than before

" Blue I c-cant breath in t-this" I said out of breath

" Youre still talking which means youre fine" She said calmly. I felt her tighten it a little more and then she tied it

" Careful with your head mate" Wolf said as she put something over my head. She tied it on the back. Next was the actual dress skirt. Once I got it on they tied it on the back and fixed it to look nice. They told me to sit down on the chair. When I did they started fixing my hair

I asked if I could keep part of my hair on my forehead. I didn't want everyone at this ball to see my birthmark. They said they would and it took a few minutes of them fixing my hair. They said that they would only add a little bit of make up since it didn't look like I needed a lot unlike most girls. When everything was done they told me I had to wear heels. I stood in front of the full length mirror and I couldn't believe how feminine I looked. I felt a little nervous but Blue and Wolf distracted me

I didn't understand the heels. I quickly learned I couldn't walk in these shoes. I couldn't stop falling out of balance. They told me an easy way to figure this out and I got the hand of it a bit. But I was still bad. Next they told me the basic way of dancing and the most common in the ballroom

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